Appendix 5 - Australia's radioactive waste inventory[69]

Appendix 5 - Australia's radioactive waste inventory[69]

Table 1: Current inventory and estimated annual arisings of low level and short-lived intermediate level waste

Waste Producer


Typical Waste


Estimated Current Volume (m³)


Estimated Future Annual Waste Arisings (m³)




Laboratory equipment - clothing, paper and glassware






States & territories


Industrial gauges, exit signs, smoke detectors, medical sources, hospital waste which includes clothing, paper and glassware




5 - 10




Contaminated soil from research into radioactive ores in the 1950s and 1960s








Electron tubes, radium painted watches, compasses, sealed sources






In addition to the information listed in the table above, low level and short-lived intermediate level waste will be generated by the decommissioning of the High Flux Australian Reactor (HIFAR) and the replacement research reactor. Depending on the decommissioning options chosen, between 500 and 2,500 cubic metres of waste will be generated by the decommissioning of each reactor.

Long-lived intermediate level waste

Australia holds approximately 500 cubic metres of long-lived intermediate level radioactive waste. This includes waste from the production of radiopharmaceuticals wastes from mineral sands processing, and used sources from medical, research and industrial equipment.

Table 2: Current inventory of long-lived intermediate level waste

Waste Producer


Typical Waste


Estimated Current Volume (m³)




Target cans, alumina columns, used control arms, aluminium end pieces, solidified liquid waste – from reactor operation and research, and radioisotope production




Industry – historical waste


Thorium and uranium residues from mineral sands processing




States & territories


Used sources from medical, industrial and research equipment




Other Australian Government agencies


Used sources from medical and research equipment




Table 3: Estimated future annual arisings of long-lived intermediate level waste

Waste Producer


Typical Waste


Estimated Future Annual Waste Arisings (m³)


ANSTO – 2000-2005


Target cans, alumina columns, used control arms, aluminium end pieces, solidified liquid waste




ANSTO – post-2005


Target cans, alumina columns, used control arms, aluminium end pieces, solidified liquid waste




States & territories – 2000 onwards


Sealed sources from medical and research equipment




Other Australian Government agencies – 2000 onwards


Sealed sources from medical and research equipment




Table 4: Estimated future arisings of long-lived intermediate level waste generated by the decommissioning of HIFAR and the replacement research reactor

Waste Producer


Typical Waste


Estimated Future Waste Arisings (m³)


ANSTO – HIFAR, estimated date 2035


Core support structure




ANSTO – HIFAR, by 2020


Packaged reprocessed waste in cement

Vitrified residues and compacted waste





ANSTO – replacement research reactor, estimated date 2075


Core support structure




ANSTO – replacement research reactor, after 2025


Vitrified residues and compacted waste




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