Appendix 4 - IAEA categories of radioactive waste [68]

Appendix 4 - IAEA categories of radioactive waste [68]

Waste Type




Low level waste


Contains enough radioactive material to require action for the protection of people, but not so much that it requires shielding during handling, storage or transportation.


Intermediate level waste, short-lived


Waste which requires shielding, but needs little or no provision for heat dissipation and contains low concentrations of long-lived radionuclides (less than 4000 Becquerel/gram of alpha-emitters). The radionuclides generally have a half-life of less than thirty years


Intermediate level waste, long-lived


Waste that requires shielding, but needs little or no provision for heat dissipation. The radionuclides generally have a half life of more than thirty years.


High level waste


Waste which contains large concentrations of both short- and long-lived radionuclides and is sufficiently radioactive to require both shielding and cooling. The waste generates more than 2 kilowatts of heat per cubic metre.


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