

Recommendation 1 page 25

The committee recommends that the Government ensure that under PSPI there is genuine engagement with parents and the community to ensure the achievement of learning outcomes for all students.

Recommendation 2 page 25

The committee recommends that as a matter of preference, PSPI reverts to guaranteed per capita funding, and in the event that this does not occur, that PSPI be applied for twice yearly, with conditions which recognise the circumstances of individual schools and their diverse educational needs.

Recommendation 3 page 34

The committee recommends that the funding formula for ITAS be based not on a consequence of failure to meet year 3, 5, and 7 benchmarks, but generated by the number of students which schools assess and identify as being in the bottom 20 per cent of their cohort in literacy and numeracy skills.

Recommendation 4 page 38

The committee recommends that the government amends its policy to ensure that students from remote areas enrolled at boarding schools in cities remain eligible for the funding that goes to students in remote areas.

Recommendation 5 page 51

The committee recommends that the Auditor-General be requested to conduct an efficiency audit on current arrangements for the application and processing of funding for PSPI programs.

Recommendation 6 page 52

The committee recommends that local or regional committees which assess funding applications from schools include at least one member with educational qualifications and experience, and at least one indigenous member active in a school community.

Recommendation 7 page 53

The committee recommends that the Minister, through MCEETYA, addresses the need for schools to report on the expenditure of Commonwealth funds in a way which is least burdensome, preferably through a single document which includes data on all programs that have been funded and are currently running.

Recommendation 8 page 54

The committee recommends that MCEETYA address the problem of restricted access to student records maintained by state agencies in cases where it is required by schools to facilitate enrolment in another system or school, and where it is for the educational advantage of the student.

Recommendation 9 page 55

The committee recommends that MCEETYA look more closely at reporting requirements attached to Commonwealth funded programs to ensure that they reflect criteria based on sound and agreed educational principles, and realistic expectations of learning outcomes.

Recommendation 10 page 59

The committee recommends that the Minister addresses the need to rationalise funding grants to minimise the number of applications that have to be made by schools.

Recommendation 11 page 60

The committee recommends that so long as Government policy continues to require direct contact between schools and DEST officials, that these officials are provided with adequate training in how to deal with principals and teachers, and gain some familiarisation with the operations of schools and at least some rudimentary insight into teaching inputs and learning outcomes.

Recommendation 12 page 61

The committee recommends that a copy of the report be sent to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner with a request for comment on the implications of the PSPI program in relation to the progress and achievement in indigenous education.

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