Terms of Reference

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Terms of Reference

The implications of the Government's proposed changes to funding arrangements for targeted assistance in Indigenous education, as contained in the Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment Bill 2004, and in particular:

  1. Proposed changes to the IEDA and IESIP programs, with reference to:
    1. the new tutorial assistance arrangements and Whole of School Intervention strategy under IEDA, and
    2. new strategic initiatives for indigenous students in remote areas and the new flagship project for teaching literacy under IESIP.
  2. The likely educational outcomes of the Commonwealth's new indigenous-specific funding measures, with reference to:
    1. the Indigenous Youth Leadership and Indigenous Youth Mobility Programs, and
    2. the Government's objective of accelerating educational outcomes for indigenous students, as stated in the 10-point national agenda for schooling announced in November 2003.
  3. The accountability requirements applying to funding agreements made under IEDA and IESIP programs, with reference to:
    1. the new framework of performance monitoring and reporting on educational outcomes, and
    2. the new financial reporting arrangements.
  4. The effect of the proposed funding measures on current state and other systemic indigenous programs, and future implications for the operation of ASSPA committees.
  5. The extent of consultation between the Commonwealth and the states and territories, schools and parents, especially ASSPA committees, about policies and details of changes to theIndigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Act 2000.

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