Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee

Members for the 40th Parliament




Senator John Tierney , Chair

LP, New South Wales

Senator George Campbell , Deputy Chair

ALP, New South Wales

Senator Jeannie Ferris

LP, South Australia

Senator Kim Carr

ALP, Victoria

Senator Guy Barnett

LP, Tasmania

Senator Natasha Stott Despoja

AD, South Australia



Substitute Members




Senator Andrew Murray
(to replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters
relating to Workplace Relations portfolio)

AD, Western Australia

Senator Meg Lees
(to replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters
relating to Training portfolio)

AD, South Australia

Senator John Cherry
(to replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters
relating to Employment portfolio)

AD, Queensland

Senator Lyn Allison
(to replace Senator Stott Despoja for matters
relating to Schools portfolio)

AD, Victoria



Participating Members


Senator the Hon Eric Abetz LP, TAS
Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell NPA, QLD
Senator Paul Calvert LP, TAS
Senator Grant Chapman LP, SA
Senator John Cherry AD, QLD
Senator Jacinta Collins ALP, VIC
Senator the Hon Helen Coonan LP, NSW
Senator Winston Crane LP, WA
Senator Trish Crossin ALP, NT
Senator Alan Eggleston LP, WA
Senator the Hon John Faulkner ALP, NSW
Senator Chris Evans ALP, WA
Senator Alan Ferguson LP, SA
Senator Michael Forshaw ALP, NSW
Senator Brenda Gibbs ALP, QLD
Senator Brian Harradine Ind, TAS
Senator Steve Hutchins ALP, NSW
Senator Susan Knowles LP, WA
Senator Ross Lightfoot LP, WA
Senator Brett Mason LP, QLD
Senator Julian McGauran NPA, VIC
Senator Shayne Murphy IND, TAS
Senator Marise Payne LP, NSW
Senator the Hon Nick Sherry ALP, TAS
Senator John Watson LP, TAS

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