Appendix 5 - Additional information

Appendix 5 - Additional information

Received at hearings:

7 April 2003

PGA Personnel:
Pastoral Industry Training: A Guide for Station Hands

Career consultants and counsellors (Miles Morgan):
Managing Life, Learning and Work in the 21st Century—Issues Informing the Design of an Australian Blueprint for Career Development

Western Australia Department of Education and Training:
Statement of Intent ‘Towards More Effective Linkages and Opportunities for Student Movement between Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training Sectors’

TAFEWA- University Pathways: Progress report to Joint VET‑University Committee by Jane Lorrimar

8 April 2003

Murdoch University:
Programs with TAFE and University preparation

CCI Kwinana Skills Centre

14 April 2003

Australian School of Fine Furniture:
Furniture Design and Making—Summary of Points

14 April 2003

Tasmanian Forestry Industry Training Board:
Background information: forestry training issues

15 April 2003

Greater City of Dandenong and South East Development:
Area profile
Profile of delegates

15 April 2003

Australian Drilling Industry Association:
Corporate profile

16 April 2003

Mr Alan Montague, RMIT University:
‘Investing in Australia’s Skills—the Potential of an Expanded Apprenticeship System as a National Vocational Education and Training Strategy for 2004–2010 and Beyond’ draft paper


17 April 2003

Kangan Batman TAFE:
Automotive Centre of Excellence: Globally Positioning Victoria Facilities Development Financial Feasibility Project, Allen Consulting Group, Report to the Kangan Batman TAFE, August 2001

‘Auto Training Centres on Excellence’, article, December 2002

17 April 2003

Professor Gerald Burke, CEET Director, Centre for Economics and Education Training (CEET), Faculty of Education, Monash University:
‘Future Job Openings: Victoria’, overview with table sourced from C. Sha, M. Long, G. Burke and J. Fischer, Demand for Training: Labour Force Changes, Projected Job Openings for New Entrants and Workplace Developments, Report to the Office of Training and Tertiary Education, Department of Education and Training, Victoria, 2002.

A Stocktake of the Economics of Vocational Education and Training in Australia: Some Implications for Career Development, Chris Selby Smith, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

17 April 2003

Mr Peter Kirby, Chair:

Ministerial Review of Post Compulsory Education and Training Pathways in Victoria, Final Report, Department of Education, Employment and Training, State Government of Victoria

6 May 2003

Mr Norm Cahill, Utilities and Electrotechnology ITAB:
CD ROM Power Up: Your Careers in Utilities and Electrotechnology

7 May 2003

Dr Eric Sidoti, Senior Consultant, Dusseldorp Skills Forum:
Honouring Our Commitment, A policy paper about Realising Australia’s Commitment to Young People, November 2002

“You value what you pay for” Enhancing Employers’ Contributions to Skill Formation and Use, A discussion paper for the Dusseldorp Skills Forum, June 2002



12 June 2003

Construction Industry Training Board:
Construction Industry Training Board Annual Report 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2002

Skills South Australia:
Skills for the Future, Final Report of the Ministerial Inquiry, May 2003


Australian Association of Career Counsellors, Ms Judith Leeson, National President:
Introducing the Blueprint for Life/Work Designs, National Life/Work Centre, pamphlet

14 April 2003

Andrew Benson, Chairman, Manufacturing Industry Council; State Development Manager, Skilled Engineering:

Senate Current and Future Skills Shortage Inquiry: A Perspective

Public hearing
5 May 2003

HunterNet Group Training Company (HNGTC):
Innovative Training Now and in the Future, A proposal in response to a critical shortage in the small to medium size engineering and manufacturing workforce in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, February 2003

6 May 2003,
site visit


University of Western Sydney:
some comments on how they work with high schools and TAFE

UWS Bachelor of Housing:
information pamphlet

Public hearing and roundtable on the skills needs of emerging industries

7 May 2003

Ms Elizabeth Elenius, Manager, Australian Photonics, CRCs
Australian Photonics, CRC Annual Report, 2000–2001 (Hard copy and CD Rom)

Ms Karen Whittingham:
Power point presentation on VET sector adding value to an emerging industry

Public Hearing Canberra,
20 June 2003

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI):

Employability Skills – and Employer’s Perspective Availability of Suitably Qualified Employees to July 2003 (Chart)

Northern Australia Skills Shortages report 1997


Master Builders Australia:

Submission on the Cole Royal Commission Final Report – Part Two: Master Builders Australia –


Master Builders Australia – recommendations of Cole Royal Commission – pp127-130


Institution of Engineers Australia

 2003 Professional Indemnity Insurance Survey Report, 20 March 2003

14 July 2003,
site visit

slides of presentation ‘Saving Australian Manufacturing Industry’


Australian Industry Group:

Macarthur Apprenticeship Recruitment Strategy; Zoom CD:


Engineer Your Career in Manufacturing

Port Kembla
14 July 2003,
site visit

University of Ballarat:
Press clippings on Steelhaven Skills Centre; information on Steelhaven Skills centre team;  TAFE 2003 Information Guide; Enterprise connections, Issue No 10, May 2003

14 July 2003,
site visit

Illawara Apprenticeship Pilot: – handout from Jennie George

Illawara Regional Proposal Growing the Region:
A Pilot Scheme to Create Apprenticeships within Small Business – to Address Chronic Regional Skills Shortages and Youth Unemployment, prepared Australian Business Limited by Judith Stubbs &Associates July 2001

15 July 2003,
site visit

diagram showing programs of the scheme


15 July 2003,
site visit

Hunter Plant Operator Training School, HPots Training:
Course information; Submission; Review of Heavy Plant Operator Training in New South Wales


Two Bishops Trust:
Muswellbrook Employment Service paper; Cessnock Employment Resource Centre: Business Plan; project Brief


Two Bishops Trust: University of Newcastle :
Two Bishops Trust Muswellbrook Project Evaluation: Stage 1 summary


Ms Payall, Cessnock City Council:
Community Development – Job Guarantee proposal

Additional information subsequently received

23 April 2003

Queensland Government, Minister for Employment, Training and Youth, Matt Foley:
Skilling Queensland: A Strategy for Vocational Education and Training 2001-2004; Education and Training Reforms for the Future; Central Queensland Training and Employment Strategy; Cape York Employment and Training Strategy; Aviation Australia; Breaking the Unemployment Cycle.


22 May 2003

Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce: Mrs Leyla Yilmaz, Manager Industrial & Employee Relations:
Table with extracted rates from ABS unpublished data showing pay scales for apprentices in the automotive industry compared with those in other industries

10 July 2003

Mr Jim Barron, Managing Director, Group Training Australia:
Facsimile dated 10 July 2003 attaching copy of letter sent to all State and Territory Ministers

14 July 2003

Ms Margaret  Cummins, T3 Curriculum Coordinator, Toyota Corporation Australia Limited:
Information package on T3 training program, including CD, The T3 Advantage

29 July 2003

Ms Ruby Morconi, Principal, Helensvale State High School:
Letter dated 4 July 2003 sent to all Principals from Debbie Best, Assistant Director-General, Curriculum, Learning and Development

Information regarding Helensvale State High School’s School-based Apprentices and Trainees

July 2003

Australian National Training Authority (ANTA)

National Strategic Planning and Industry Advisory Arrangements for Vocational Education and Training, Discussion Papers

New national industry advisory arrangements: proposed transition arrangements

Skill Councils: Declaration criteria and Guidance

Nicholas Clark and Associates:  Review of Industry based skill centres, skill centres for school students and ATSI facilities for VET

5 September 2003

WA Department of Education and Training:
Pamphlet: Graded Performance Assessment – an explanation August 2002

TAFEWA-University Pathways:
Progress report to Joint VET-University Committee (August)
by Jane Lorrimar

A statement of intent

11 September 2003

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Shortage History Trades

Shortage History Professions

NSW Professional Assessments

NSW Trades Assessments

Note: Information in these lists is held on file at the Australia Archives.

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