Appendix 4 - Answers to questions on notice

Appendix 4 - Answers to questions on notice


Brisbane, 31 March 2003

14 August 2003

Australian National Training Authority:

(a) Market research on industry perception of the VET sector

National Strategy for VET 2004-2010 Report on focus group research December 2002

Initial Scoping Interview with 10 Industry leaders

(b) Uphill systems modelling

Meta-analysis: new approaches to identifying the training needs of new and emerging industries and occupations

Supporting information: New Approaches to identifying training needs of new and emerging industries and occupations

Meta-analysis: making VET more conveniently accessible, especially for small business

Supporting information: making VET more conveniently accessible, especially for small business


Kwinana, 8 April 2003

8 April 2003

Kwinana Industries Education Partnership
Ms Maryanne Hughes, Executive Officer


Launceston, 14 April 2003

24 April 2003

Australian School of Fine Furniture
Mr Richard Millen, ASFF Executive Director

28 April 2003

Tasmanian Building and Construction Industry Training Board: M Peter Coad, Executive Director

Provide a copy of a memorandum of understanding, partnering agreement underpinning the Building and Construction VET in Schools Program [EWRE p. 424]

29 April 2003

Cradle Coast Authority:
Mr Roger Jaensch, Chief Executive Officer

Sustainable Regions ‘Pathways’ projects; articulation to higher education; identifying emerging industries; upskilling and reskilling of local people to address skill shortages

10 July 2003


Department of Education:
Office of Post Compulsory Education and Training

User choice: list of traditional trade areas quarantined from RTO delivery for TAFE, [EWRE p. 429]; Articulation strategies for mature entry pp. 430–32; Quality of assessment under the AQTF, [EWRE p. 433]


Dandenong, 15 April 2003

15 April 2003

Youth Assist Inc: Mr Dave Glazebrook, Chief Executive Officer

Young Mum’s Project—Design and objectives.  Assistance program for very young mothers and their children planned by Youth Assist Inc for delivery at the Visy Cares Centre, Dandenong


Melbourne, 17 April 2003

22 May 2003

Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce:
Mrs Leyla Yilmaz, Manager Industrial & Employee Relations

Skills attrition in rural areas due to drought: limitations on access to incentive payments for drought declared areas


Sydney, 6 May 2003

8 May 2003

Group Training Australia:
Mr Jim Barron
Address of UK website for careers connection:;

Copy of best practice statement for GTA

22 May 2003

Industry skills needs in electrotechnology industry – National Industry Skills Initiative, Careers Program, Upskilling Program, Innovative Pathways Program, Electrocomms Contracting Program, Vision 2007

29 July 2003

Australian Business: Ms Kathy Rankin,
Learning Bonus Scheme and the bureaucratisation of the training process


Darwin, 11 June 2003

24 July 2003

Department of Employment, Education and Training, NT:
Dr Peter Plummer, Chief Executive

Provide information on articulation, remote area training, funding of RTOs, literacy and numeracy and labour market analysis



Adelaide, 12 June 2003

29 July 2003

Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology: Ms Sally Jeremic, Senior Policy Officer, Office of Vocational Education and Training


Adelaide, 12 June 2003

2 July 2003

Professor Sue Richardson, Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders University: provide study identifying the reasons for the high attrition rate of skilled employees

Mark Cully and Richard Curtain, Reasons for New Apprentice Non Completion, Final Report, 2001


Canberra, 20 June 2003

24 July 2003

CAST CRC: Mr Michael Lee, Manager Technology Transfer and Education, to provide graphical presentation of the proposed funding model for a nationally delivered TAFE program to be managed by CAST CRC, [EWRE p. 1177]


Canberra, 15 August 2003

24 September 2003

Department of Education Science and Training:
12 Questions on issues such as use of Centrelink career services, career and transition pilots, careers development, Cost of VET in schools, RPL, nursing shortages, Workplace English Language and Literacy program, RPL, national training system, medical practitioner, universities, models to estimate apprentice intakes intake rates over time,  mature age workers, NISI implementation, plan for NISI, NISI and skill Councils, transition from school to work, early childhood program, skill shortages in child care, DEST information on supply

26 September 2003

Australian National Training Authority:
Data on existing workers and New Apprenticeships; Graded assessment in WA; Withdrawal of Commonwealth funding of state ITABs; Role of new skill councils; report on industry advisory arrangements; forecasting of future skill needs; NISI and ANTA; Appointments to the Board; Consultative arrangements to ensure that the system meets needs of individuals; review of group training; Standards for assessors

21 October 2003

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations:
Work for the dole outcomes; drought assistance; AWAs and apprentices; ASCO revision; Labour market trends; NISI; Labour market information; Job Network payments for training placements

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