Inquiry into the Higher Education Funding Amendment Bill 2002

Inquiry into the Higher Education Funding Amendment Bill 2002

Submissions received by the Committee as at August 2002

1 Tabor College, SA   (Word format)  (PDF format)

Tabor College, SA  (Rtf format)  (PDF format)  (Attachments - hard copy only)

2 Student Association Inc, University of Tasmania, Launceston (Word format)  (PDF format)
3 Melbourne College of Divinity  (Word format)  (PDF format)
4 Bond University  (Word format )  (PDF format)
5 Mr Bruce Chapman, ACT  (Word format )  (PDF format)
6 Australian College of Theology Council Inc  (Word format)  (PDF format)
7 The Council of Private Higher Education Inc (COPHE)  (Word format)  (PDF format)
8 Christian Heritage College   (Word format)  (PDF format)
8A Christian Heritage College  (Word format) (PDF format)
9 Ms Renata Field, NSW  (Word format )  (PDF format)
10 National Union of Students (NUS)  (Word format )   (PDF format)
11 Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET)  (Word format) (PDF format )
12 Department of Education, Science and Training (including attachment B) (Word format) (PDF format ) attachment A (Word format) (PDF format )
13 Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee  (Word format ) (PDF format)
14 Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA)  (Word format)  (PDF format )
15 UTS Students' Association  (Rtf format) (PDF format)
16 National Tertiary Education Industry Union (NTEU) (Word format) (PDF format)
16A National Tertiary Education Industry Union (NTEU) (Word format) (PDF format)