Inquiry into the Office of the Chief Scientist

Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committees

Inquiry into the Office of the Chief Scientist

Submissions received by the committee as at May 2004

Sub No.  
1 Dr Leanna Read, private member
Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PDF 173KB)
2 World Wide Fund for Nature Australia (PDF 292KB)
3 Dr Trevor Kerr (PDF 54KB)
4 Engineers Australia (PDF 75KB)
6 Dr Geoff Garrett (PDF 181KB)
7 Mr Peter Hoj (PDF 239KB)
8 Cooperative Research Centres Committee (PDF 313KB)
9 The Australian Institute of Geoscientists (PDF 146KB)
10 Australian Academy of Science (PDF 363KB)
11 Australian Geoscience Council Inc (PDF 125KB)
12 Monash University (PDF 134KB)
13 Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies
(PDF 724KB)
14 Department of Education, Science and Training (PDF 1533KB)
attachment A (PDF 132KB); attachment B (PDF 597KB);
attachment C (PDF 255KB); attachment D (PDF 804KB);
attachment E (PDF 1572KB); attachment F (PDF 67KB);
attachment G (PDF 5384KB); attachment H (PDF 1513KB);
attachment I  (PDF 662KB);  attachment J (PDF 329KB);
attachment K (PDF 161KB); attachment L (PDF 323KB).
15 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 24KB)
16 Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 678KB)
17 Professor Helen Garnett, NT (PDF 130KB
18 Dr Robin Batterham, Chief Scientist (PDF 485KB)
attachment 1
(PDF 3006KB); attachment 2 (PDF 39KB);
attachment 3 (PDF 6087KB); attachment 4 (PDF 7479KB);
attachment 5 (PDF 3786KB)
19 Greenpeace Australia Pacific (PDF 681KB) attachment A (PDF 3849KB)
attachment B (PDF 135KB)
20 Engineers Australia (PDF 28KB)
21 DuPont Australia and New Zealand (PDF 99KB)
22 Professor Peter Andrews (PDF 189KB)