

The Committee received over 500 submissions and conducted eight public hearings.  While the number of submissions is only about one-third of the number received during the 1996 inquiry into the Workplace Relations Act, they nevertheless followed the same trend.

A Senate inquiry into legislation tends to attract submissions from those people or organisations who are opposed to the legislation, as those who are supportive generally see no need to make submissions in relation to a Bill which has passed in the House of Representatives and which they support.

This inquiry has been no exception, and an orchestrated campaign by unions saw many like-minded submissions, from unions and other individuals and organisations who are opposed to the passage of the legislation, being made to the Committee.

An opportunity was given to many of those who submitted similar evidence to speak to their submissions at the public hearings.

In preparing this report the Committee has attempted to put in perspective the view of those who supported, and those who opposed, the legislation.

The full transcript of the public hearings, and all of the submissions (other than confidential submissions) are available to the public.


Senator Alan Ferguson

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