Terms of reference

Terms of reference

  1. the impact of the Workplace Relations Act 1996, including (but not limited to):
    1. whether the principal objects of the Act (particularly paragraphs 3(j) and (k)) have been fulfilled in practice;
    2. the impact on wages, employment, productivity and industrial disputation levels;
    3. the impact on job security, unfair dismissals, job prospects, the protection of employee entitlements and conditions, and whether these can be improved;
    4. the impact on the balance between work and family responsibilities, and whether these can be improved;
    5. the balance provided between the roles, rights and obligations of employers (including small business), employees and their respective organisations;
    6. the powers, standing and procedures of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, the Office of the Employment Advocate and the Industrial Registrar;
    7. whether provisions to promote industrial democracy and employee ownership can be enhanced; and
  2. in light of the committee’s findings in relation to the matters listed in paragraph (a), the provisions of the Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment  (More Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 1999 and all relevant matters related thereto.

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