Appendix 2 - Public Hearings and Witnesses

Appendix 2Public Hearings and Witnesses

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Committee Room 2S1

Parliament House


Human Rights Law Centre

Mr Kieran Pender, Senior Lawyer

Ms Jade Tyrell, Senior Lawyer

Mr Anthony Watson, Private capacity

Law Council of Australia

Mr John Farrell, Executive Policy Lawyer

Mr Steven Stevens, Chair, Professional Ethics Committee

Mr David Castle, Member, Taxation Committee

Mr Tim Neilson, Member, Taxation Committee

Tax Justice Network Australia and the Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research

Dr Mark Zirnsak, Spokesperson

Tax Practitioners Board

Mr Peter de Cure, Chair

Mr Michael O'Neill, Secretary and CEO

Ms Janette Luu, Acting Assistant Secretary

Australian Taxation Office

Mr Jeremy Hirschhorn, Second Commissioner, Client Engagement Group

Mr Ben Kelly, Deputy Commissioner, Policy, Analysis and Legislation

Ms Sarah Vawser, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Individual and Intermediaries

Department of the Treasury

Mr Richard Maher, Assistant Secretary, Tax System Branch

Ms Carlie Beach, Tax Agent Regulation Unit, Tax System Branch

Mr Chris Leggett, Assistant Secretary, Law Division

Ms Tania Koit, Director, Law Division

The Australia Institute

Mr Greg Jericho, Chief Economist

Australian Energy Producers

Ms Samantha McCulloch, Chief Executive Officer


Mr Steve Callagan, General Manager Finance

Mr Michael Fenner, Taxation Manager


Mr Glen Gaspar, Country Tax Manager

Mr David Connolly, Vice President Finance, LNG Australia

Woodside Energy

Mr Graham Tiver, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Mr Marc Lewis, Vice President Tax

Department of the Treasury

Ms Susan Bultitude, Assistant Secretary, Corporate Tax Branch

Mr Simon Winckler, Director, Special Tax Regimes, Corporate Tax Branch

Mr Yijong Cai, Assistant Secretary, Business and Superannuation Tax Analysis Branch