

Chapter 1 - Introduction and background

(accessed 7 July 2011).

[2]        Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 1.

[3]        DIISR, Submission 11, p. 2.

[4]        DIISR, Submission 11, p. 2.

[5]        DIISR, Submission 11, p. 2.

[6]        DIISR, Submission 11, p. 2.

[7]        DIISR, Submission 11, p. 1.

[8]        Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 2.

[9]        Intergovernmental Agreement for Business Names Agreement, para. 1.1 (1).

[10]      Intergovernmental Agreement for Business Names Agreement, subpara. 1.1 (2).

[11]      Intergovernmental Agreement for Business Names Agreement, subpara. 1.1 (3).

[12]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 2.

[13]      DIISR, Submission 11, p. 4.

[14]      DIISR, Correspondence to Secretariat, 4 August 2011.

[15]      DIISR, Submission 11, p. 7.

[16]      Ms Rosanne Bell, Acting Senior Executive Leader, Real Economy, ASIC, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 13.

[17]      Regulated by the Business Names Act 1962 (Cth), and the various business names acts and consumer protection acts enacted by the states and territories.

[18] (accessed 10 July 2011).

[19] (accessed 10 July 2011).

[20] (accessed 10 July 2011).

[21] (accessed 10 July 2011).

[22] (accessed 10 July 2011).

[23] (accessed 10 July 2011).

[24] (accessed 10 July 2011).

[25] (accessed 10 July 2011).

[26]      According to DIISR's submission, businesses that operate in each state and territory face a cost of more than $1000 to register a business name for three years; DIISR, Submission 11, p. 3.

[27]      DIISR, Submission 11, p. 3.

[28]      This Act is discussed in Chapter 3 of this report.

Chapter 2 - Provisions of the exposure draft bills

[1]        Business Names Registration Bill 2011, subclause 18(1).

[2]        Business Names Registration Bill 2011, subclauses 19(1)-(5).

[3]        Business Names Registration Bill 2011, subclauses 20(1)-(5).

[4]        Details are available on the ATO's website at:

[5]        Business Names Registration Bill 2011, clauses 58(1)-(4).

[6]        Business Names Registration Bill 2011, paragraph 78(e).

Chapter 3 - Non-government entities' restriction on accessing register information

[1]        Explanatory Memorandum, Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Bill 2006, p. 3.

[2]        These requirements are listed in AUSTRAC's Explanatory Note for the draft rules prescribing matters required or permitted under the AML/CTF Act, available at: (accessed 25 July 2011).

[3]        AUSTRAC's Explanatory Note (accessed 25 July 2011)

[4]        AUSTRAC, Submission 9, p. 2.

[5]        See clause 60 of the main bill and draft regulation 9 of the proposed Business Names Registration Regulations 2011.

[6]        Veda Advantage, answer to questions on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 8 August 2011).

[7]        Australian Bankers' Association, answer to questions on notice, 3 August 2011 (received 9 August 2011).

[8]        DIISR, answer to question on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 8 August 2011).

[9]        Veda Advantage, Letter to committee, 8 August 2011, p. 3.

[10]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Clarification of Hansard record, 5 August 2011.

[11]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 3.

[12]      See Appendix 3.

[13]      Veda Advantage, Submission 5, pp 2–3.

[14]      DIISR, answer to questions on notice, 4 August 2011 (8 August 2011).

[15]      Veda Advantage, answer to question on notice, 9 August 2011 (9 August 2011).

[16]      Veda Advantage, Trading History Product Guide, p 6.

[17]      Veda Advantage, answer to questions on notice, 8 August 2011.

[18]      Australian Finance Conference, Submission 4, pp 1–2.

[19]      AMEX, Submission 7, p. 2.

[20]      AMEX, Submission 7, p. 2.

[21]      DIISR, Submission 11, p. 14.

[22]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 5.

[23]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 6.

[24]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 6.

[25]      Mr Strassberg, External Relations, Veda Advantage, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 26.

[26]      Mr Strassberg, External Relations, Veda Advantage, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 28.

[27]      Australian Bankers' Association, answer to question on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 9 August 2011).

[28]      Mr Strassberg, External Relations, Veda Advantage, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August, p. 28.

[29]      Mr Graeme Alexander, Head of Compliance and Ethics, American Express, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 22.

[30]      Mr Ron Hardaker, Executive Director, Australian Finance Conference, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 22.

[31]      Mr A.J. Burke, Policy Director, Australian Bankers' Association, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 23.

[32]      Mr Ron Hardaker, Executive Director, Australian Finance Conference, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 24.

[33]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 7.

[34]      DIISR, answer to question on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 8 August 2011).

[35]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, p 5.

[36]      DIISR, answer to question on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 8 August 2011).

[37]      Regulation 2N.2.01 which relates to Part 2N.2 of the Corporations Act 2001 dealing with extracts.

[38]      The regulations quoted represent just a small section of other particulars, which are not relevant for businesses.

[39]      The Particulars of Business Names form is available at:

[40]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 3.

[41]      Mr Strassberg, External Relations, Veda Advantage, Proof Committee Hansard, p. 28.

[42]      Mr Strassberg, External Relations, Veda Advantage, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 28.

Chapter 4 - Other issues relating to the bills

[1]        Mr Tony Burke, Chair, SME Business Law Committee, Law Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, pp 15–16.

[2]        Mr Tony Burke, Chair, SME Business Law Committee, Law Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, pp 15–16.

[3]        DIISR, answer to question on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 8 August 2011).

[4]        Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 10 August 2011 (received 11 August 2011).

[5]        Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 10 August 2011 (received 11 August 2011).

[6]        The primary state and territory laws governing probate and letters of administration are: South Australia–Administration and Probate Act 1919 & Wills Act 1936; New South Wales–Probate and Administration Act 1898 & Succession Act 2006; Victoria–Wills Act 1997 & Administration and Probate Act 1958; Queensland–Succession Act 1981; Tasmania–Administration and Probate Act 1935 & Wills Act 2008; Western Australia–Wills Act 1970 & Administration Act 1903; Northern Territory–Wills Act &Administration and Probate Act; ACT–Wills Act 1968 & Administration and Probate Act 1969.

[7]        Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 10 August 2011 (received 11 August 2011).

[8]        Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 10 August 2011 (received 11 August 2011).

[9]        Law Council of Australia, answer to question on notice, 10 August 2011 (received 11 August 2011).

[10]      Domain registrars include companies such as Fat Cow, Go Daddy, Netregistry and Crazy Domains.

[11]      This ruling was made by the Australian Domain Name Administrator in 'Clarification of Domain Name Licence—Prohibition on Sale of Domain Name (2005–05)', 22 July 2005, para. 2. For more information on this ruling and its implication for Australian businesses, see M. Bender, 'What's in Name: Domain Name Disputes Involving Trademarks in Australia,' Monash Business Review, Volume 3, No. 3, 2007; Sharon Givoni, 'Alternatives to the auDRP: cost effective means of quashing cybersquatters', Internet Law Bulletin, Vol. 9 No. 9, 2007, p. 107.

[12]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, DIISR, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 8.

[13]      DIISR, Answer to questions on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 8 August 2011).

[14]      UK National Business Register, (accessed 10 August 2011).

[15]      University of Melbourne v. union melb. A record of proceedings is available at*%20AND%20business%20name*%20AND%20registration.

[16]      Gilbert & Tobin, Submission 3, p. 6.

[17]      Gilbert & Tobin, Submission 3, p. 6; Law Council of Australia, Submission to DIISR, April 2011; Woolworths, Submission to DIISR, April 2011; Master Builders Association, Submission to DIISR, April 2011.

[18] (accessed 5 August 2011) (accessed 7 July 2011).

[19]      Woolworths, Submission to DIISR, pp 1-2.

[20]      Master Builders Association, Submission to DIISR, March 2011, pp 7–8.

[21]      ACIP, Review of the relationship between Trade Marks, Business Names, Company Names and Domain Names, March 2006, p. 1.

[22]      ACIP, Review of the relationship between Trade Marks, Business Names, Company Names and Domain Names, March 2006, p. 2.

[23]      ACIP, Review of the relationship between Trade Marks, Business Names, Company Names and Domain Names, March 2006, p. 3.

[24]      ACIP utilises Canada's NUANS system as an example, which also prohibits the registration of business names that are identical to trade marks, pgs 1 and 3.

[25]      Gilbert & Tobin Lawyers, Submission 3, p. 6.

[26]      ACIP, Review of the relationship between Trade Marks, Business Names, Company Names and Domain Names, March 2006, p. 3.

[27]      Ms Ann Bray, Acting Head, Industry and Small Business Policy Division, DIISR, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 8.

[28]      Alan Limbury, 'Domain name disputes: when must trade mark rights exist?' Internet Law Bulletin, vol. 8, 1 (2005); Debrett Lyons, 'What's in a name? Bad faith in domain name disputes', Internet Law Bulletin, vol. 10, 6 (2007).

[29]      Mr Tony Burke, Chair, SME Business Law Committee, Law Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August, p. 15.

[30]      Ms Rosanne Bell, Acting Senior Executive Leader, Real Economy, ASIC, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, pp 12–13.

[31]      Mr Tony Burke, Chair, SME Business Law Committee, Law Council of Australia, Proof Committee Hansard, 2 August 2011, p. 15.

[32]      DIISR, answer to question on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 8 August).

[33]      Treasury, answer to questions on notice, 15 July 2011 (received 29 July 2011).

[34]      Treasury, answer to questions on notice, 15 July 2011 (received 29 July 2011).

[35]      Treasury, answer to questions on notice, 4 August 2011 (received 8 August 2011).

[36]      Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest 11 of 2011, p. 13.

Chapter 5 - The committee's view

[1]        Correspondence from the Australian Federal Police, 12 August 2011.

[2]        Correspondence from New South Wales Police, 12 August 2011.