Chapter 11
Alternative approaches to
reducing emissions
The CPRS: a cap-and-trade
11.1 The Government's CPRS is a production-based cap and trade model. The
production‑based cap and trade model is often cited as the most common
approach to emissions trading.
11.2 Under a cap and trade scheme, tradable permits are issued by the
government which entitle the permit holder to emit a specified volume of
greenhouse gases to the atmosphere (during a specified period). Some systems
also allow 'banking' of permits for use in future compliance periods.
11.3 The specified volumes are a series of short- to medium-term targets
reaching out to a longer term target, referred to as an 'emissions trajectory'.
The duration of a cap or baseline is an important consideration. Too short a
period may not provide adequate investor/market certainty; such certainty is
desirable as it allows markets to develop a forward carbon price to guide
investment decisions and encourage uptake in technology and its development
over the long term. On the other hand, too long a period may provide certainty
but reduce government's ability to make adjustments in response to, say,
changes in climate change science or technology. Emissions reductions schemes
may attempt to address this problem in various ways, such as by setting firm
caps in early years of a scheme but a range for caps in later years.
11.4 Clearly, to achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the total
cap placed on emissions must be less than the emissions that would have been
generated under a business as usual scenario. The market price for emissions
permits must be high enough to provide an incentive to participants to reduce
their emissions relative to business as usual projections. For example, too
high a cap can result in over-supply and a low market price for emissions
Alternative approaches
11.5 There are a number of alternative models to CPRS-like cap-and-trade
emissions trading schemes that could potentially be used to restrain the
emission of greenhouse gases. Among those presented to the Committee were;
hybrid model;
and credit (also known as the "intensity approach" and the
"Canadian approach"); and
Cap and
trade based on consumption; and
11.6 Some of the factors relevant to assessing the worth or success of any
proposed or operating emissions reduction scheme are:
ability to deliver actual reductions in emissions;
cost effectiveness;
extent to which a scheme provides incentives for investment and
performance improvement;
flexibility to continually adapt to changes in climate change
robustness of monitoring and verification systems for emissions;
transparency; and
fairness and equity.[1]
(a) Carbon tax
11.7 A carbon tax is a tax levied on greenhouse gas emissions. The
differences between a carbon tax and an ETS are often overstated. An ETS that
gives rise to a carbon price of $25 a tonne has essentially the same impact on
emissions and on the economy as a carbon tax of $25 a tonne if the coverage of the
two schemes is the same.
certainty versus emissions certainty
11.8 The main advantage of a carbon tax is that it gives (at least in the
short term) more certainty about the price impact. But it does this at the cost
of less certainty about the volume of emissions. Hitting a medium-term target
for emissions is likely to require adjustments to the carbon tax rate from time
to time. This reduces the price certainty provided in the medium term. Views
differ about the extent to which it would also be politically difficult to
raise the carbon tax rate. emissions
trading scheme gives you certainty about how many emissions enter the
atmosphere, whereas the carbon tax gives you certainty about price but does not
give you certainty about the amount of emissions that enter the atmosphere,
because that depends on the relationship between the carbon price and the
responsiveness of the economy. That is really the fundamental difference
between the carbon tax and the emissions trading scheme.[2]
11.9 There is a theoretical literature about whether certainty about prices
or emissions volumes is more desirable:
The theory of prices
versus quantities for pollution control (Weitzman 1974) shows that such
uncertainty [about abatement costs] will invariably lead the policy to under‑
or overshoot the optimum. Imposing a quantitative target will lead to higher or
lower marginal abatement costs than expected, while a given tax rate will lead
to a greater or lesser abatement effort than expected. The resulting efficiency
costs are thought to be lower under a price-based instrument for stock
pollutants such as greenhouse gases, so getting the price wrong under a tax
imposes smaller welfare losses than getting the quantity wrong under a quantity
11.10 The Government's reasoning for preferring an emissions trading scheme
over a carbon tax is that:
If the Government
had full information about the relationship between carbon prices and the
quantity of emissions reductions that such prices would induce, a carbon tax
and an emissions trading scheme could deliver similar economic and
environmental outcomes...The key benefit of an emissions trading scheme over a
tax is that it secures the environmental objective by controlling the quantity
of emissions directly. It is possible that emissions trading may provide
greater long-term policy credibility, as the community can see the direct link
between the policy instrument and the environmental objective. Australia’s international commitments are likely to continue to be defined as quantitative targets,
so this approach allows international obligations to be managed more
11.11 As the Government put it:
Both a carbon tax
and an emissions trading scheme would need to be adjusted over time to reflect
new emissions targets as the international architecture matures and scientific
understanding of the global mitigation effort improves.[5]
11.12 There may be desirable stabilising effects from the systems that involve
more certainty about volumes:
...within a cap and
trade system, demand for and price of permits can be expected to fall in
response to any large increase in the price of fossil fuels. This would be to
some extent stabilising, unlike the rigid application of a fixed carbon tax.[6]
11.13 Aside from short-term price certainty, a common argument for a carbon
tax is that it is simpler and could therefore be implemented more quickly:
The simpler carbon
tax would have lower transaction costs.[7]
A carbon tax is
preferable to a carbon trading system because it is more efficient, effective,
simple, flexible, and transparent.[8] might be argued
that a carbon tax has an air of justice or fairness — taxing those responsible
for creating the harm. Emissions trading could mimic this effect but would do
so in a less transparent manner.[9]
11.14 The Government rejects this argument, claiming that 'most of the
implementation and administrative requirements apply equally to an emissions
trading scheme and a carbon tax'.[10]
11.15 It is also sometimes claimed that a carbon tax would raise more revenue
and be less distorting:
A carbon tax is
preferable to a carbon trading system ... a carbon tax has the added benefit of
providing revenue which can be used to cut other taxes.[11]
11.16 This argument is flawed as the revenue raised and the extent of
distortions is a function of the coverage and exemptions in schemes, not the
choice between an ETS and a carbon tax.[12]
11.17 Some also see a common carbon tax as a better global aspiration than an
international emissions trading scheme:
Proponents of
price-based emissions control have pointed out that a common global carbon tax
or an agreement on an internationally harmonised price to apply in domestic
permit trading schemes would avoid both questions of distribution between
countries inherent in a cap and trade system, and the potentially destabilising
effects of large-scale international financial flows.[13]
11.18 Probably the more common view is that a carbon tax is inferior to a cap‑and‑trade
scheme because it does not offer scope for international trade in permits to
allow abatement to occur where it is least costly.
11.19 A carbon tax is attracting support from some who see the CPRS as an
excessively compromised form of emissions trading, with many industries being
given free permits under complex rules. For example, exports could be exempted
from a carbon tax, as they are from the GST, which may be simpler than the
arrangements for shielding trade-exposed industries in the CPRS.
11.20 However, it is almost certain the same lobbyists who push for free
permits for certain industries would be lobbying as hard for exemptions from a
carbon tax for these industries. It may be that there is some political reason
why it is easier to resist pressure for tax exemptions than for free permits,
but the Committee has not heard it.
11.21 The Committee regards a carbon tax as sharing many of the features of an
emissions trading scheme in reducing emissions by putting a price on carbon and
raising revenue. However, the committee prefers an emissions trading scheme
model, such as the CPRS, as it gives certainty about the maximum volume of
(b) McKibbin hybrid model
11.22 The McKibbin hybrid model involves a mix of long-term and annual
permits. Governments would issue industry with ‘books’ of annual permits lasting
for fifty to a hundred years. The total number of these long-term permits would
be based on the long term emissions reduction target, for example an amount
equivalent to 60 percent of Australia’s 2000 emissions. These ‘books’ of annual
permits would be traded in the market, providing a long term carbon price
11.23 In addition, governments would sell to industry an unlimited number of
annual permits at a fixed price. This aspect of the scheme is equivalent to a
carbon tax.
11.24 The price of annual permits would be adjusted periodically, for example
every five years. Eventually, the annual permit price and the price of long
term permits will eventually converge.
11.25 Professor McKibbin argues that his design would achieve short term
carbon price certainty as well as long term certainty as to the quantity of
allowable emissions.
11.26 He draws an analogy with the way the Reserve Bank uses monetary policy
tools to control the short-term interest rate and achieve an inflation target
while the market sets long-term bond yields:
...this system should
be run by an independent central bank of carbon not by a climate change
department or by an Australian Treasury. An independent central bank of carbon
should run a policy in a very similar way to the way the Reserve Bank runs monetary
policy, where government sets the long-term goals and independent experts
implement the policy. ... the short-term carbon price should be unambiguously
fixed for five years at a time by something like a central bank of carbon.[14]
11.27 The most common criticism of the McKibbin hybrid model is its
It is a slightly
complex model. I have heard Warwick speak to that model a couple of times
now and I must admit I have not fully grabbed it.[15]
One of the
recognised hallmarks of good policy is simplicity. The hybrid system is complex
and many audiences have been left confused after being presented with the
11.28 Professor Garnaut regards the basic feature of the McKibbin model as
being the imposition of an upper limit on the price of permits in a cap and
trade emissions trading scheme. He regards it as 'combining the disadvantages
of both' emissions trading and a carbon tax, requiring the institutional and
administrative apparatus of an emissions trading scheme but without giving
certainty about emissions reductions.[17]
11.29 As with a carbon tax, emissions would be uncapped in the near term,
making it difficult to achieve short to medium term emissions targets. The
McKibbin hybrid scheme would also require governments to ‘lock in’ very long
term targets. If the government subsequently wanted to reduce the number of
long term permits (for example in response to new scientific evidence), it
would need to buy these back from industry.
11.30 It would be difficult for the market to price long term permits. The
market would need to make predictions about the rate at which the government is
likely to increase the price of annual permits, as well as the other market
factors likely to impact on the supply and demand for carbon a long time into
the future. This could result in volatile prices.
11.31 The committee views the McKibbin model as an interesting approach.
However, it prefers to start with a more orthodox approach that can draw on
experiences with similar schemes and be more readily linked with proposed
schemes elsewhere. As noted when commenting on the carbon tax, the committee
prefers a system which gives certainty about the maximum volume of emissions.
(c) Baseline and credit
11.32 Baseline and credit emissions trading systems are production based systems
of emissions trading in which there is no explicit cap on emissions. Instead,
participants are allowed to emit CO2 according to a (usually
historical and industry-specific) baseline level of emissions.
11.33 Where a participant in a baseline and credit scheme emits less than
their baseline level (or allowance) of emissions, the unused part of the
allowance forms an emissions reduction credit which is able to be banked for
future compliance needs or else traded in the emissions market. This is what
leads Garnaut to say such schemes 'effectively place the creation of permits in
the hands of private parties (existing emitters) rather than the government'.[18]
11.34 A possible benefit of a baseline-and-credit scheme is that it involves
less churning of funds than a cap-and-trade system.
11.35 A participant that exceeds their baseline level can purchase emissions
reduction credits in the market to meet the shortfall in their allocated
credits. Unlike cap‑and‑trade systems, in baseline and credit
schemes credits are only issued where an emissions saving has been achieved;
such credits are usually earned on a project‑by‑project basis. (A
cap-and-trade model can be regarded as a baseline‑and‑credit system
with a baseline of zero. Alternatively, a baseline-and-credit model can be
thought of as like a cap-and-trade model with 100 per cent free permits to all
existing polluters.[19]
11.36 The baseline is usually expressed in terms of 'emissions intensity',
which is a measure of carbon emitted for a given amount of production or
revenue. The sum of all baselines for participants in the scheme amounts to a
sort of implicit cap on emissions; although if total output is higher than
expected, then so will be emissions.
The Canadian scheme
is an emission intensity target, so you can never be sure—even though firms
might be improving their emissions intensity—what quantity adjustment is going
to occur in your economy.[20]
11.37 Baseline and credit systems, by allowing credits to be generated from
abatement activities, should create economic incentives for participants to
invest in lower emissions technology or abatement activities to reduce their
actual emissions.
11.38 Environmental outcomes become uncertain due to the difficulties of
verifying and certifying emissions reductions, such as differences in or changes
to the methodology used to set baselines, or double-counting problems
associated with attributing credits to more than one emitter for a particular
emissions reduction action. Such problems mean that baseline and credit schemes
may carry far higher transactional costs than the cap-and-trade approach, which
calls into question their cost effectiveness relative to environmental
11.39 Baseline-and-credit schemes can work well when applied to a single
industry, but are more problematic when applied across the economy.
11.40 The main problem appears to be setting the baselines. Firstly, it will
be arbitrary deciding what is the relevant 'peer group'. Consider the case of
power stations. If all those fuelled by coal are regarded as one group, then
the users of black coal will earn credits while the users of brown coal will
need to buy them. If users of black coal are distinguished from users of brown
coal, both types can meet the baseline. But if all power stations are treated
as a group, then users of both types of coal would need to buy credits from
those running on hydro power.
11.41 Secondly, if the aim is to drive reductions in emissions rather than
just keep them static, another set of arbitrary decisions need to be made about
how much individual industries should be required to cut.
11.42 Baseline-and-credit schemes can also be criticised for rewarding
existing heavy polluters, whereas the CPRS will over time move towards being
more like a 'polluter pays' system once free permits are removed.
11.43 It has been claimed that the baseline-and-credit scheme has less impact
on households. But this is a mixed blessing:
If you have a scheme
that suppresses the price impact on households, which I think some have
advocated that the Canadian scheme does, that has the effect of reducing the
incentive for households to reduce... the net effect is that you push the cost of
the scheme up.[21]
11.44 While less common than the cap and trade approach, there are some
notable examples of baseline-and-credit systems in place. Two of the emissions
reduction measures already operating under the Kyoto Protocol use such a
system: the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the Joint Initiative (JI)
project. The CDM, for example, essentially allows developed countries to gain
credits by investing in emissions-reduction projects in less developed
countries. These credits can then be used to meet Kyoto targets.
11.45 In Australia, the NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme (GGAS) is also an
example of a baseline and credit scheme.[22] The aim of the scheme is
to reduce per capita greenhouse emissions associated with electricity
consumption. In simple terms, it works by imposing a declining per capita
greenhouse gas target on all electricity retailers, whose emissions reduction
targets are based on relative market shares. Regulated entities can comply with
their targets by achieving lower-emissions energy generation or through a range
of offset activities. Examples of the latter are schemes which create NSW
Greenhouse Gas Abatement certificates through ensuring households use
low-energy light bulbs and low-flow shower heads. These certificates can be
surrendered to comply with a reduction target, or else traded amongst scheme
11.46 While the baseline and credit model has often been applied to individual
industries, most work on its application to a national emissions reduction
strategy has been done in Canada. However the Canadians view it as a
transitional scheme before moving to cap‑and-trade.
11.47 Schemes based on 'intensity', such as baseline and credit, share the
disadvantage with the carbon tax and McKibbin hybrid model of not setting a
firm cap on emissions. In addition, setting an appropriate baseline for each
industry (and indeed defining what is a distinct industry) would be a difficult
task, fraught with conceptual difficulties and subject to heavy lobbying by
vested interests.
(d) Emissions trading – cap
and trade based on consumption
11.48 An alternative to a cap and trade scheme based on production is one
based on consumption. Former Treasury and Access Economics economist Geoff
Carmody suggests a better way of avoiding concerns about carbon leakage is to
have an emissions trading scheme based on consumption rather than production.[24] The Carmody approach has
been suggested as an alternative to the CPRS by the Australian Industry
Greenhouse Network.[25]
11.49 The consumption model means the cap is being applied to indirect
emissions. Direct emissions result from activities at the source, such as those
arising from the manufacture of a particular good. Indirect emissions are
embedded in consumed goods, such as those arising from the electricity used to
produce a good or product—these emissions occur at the point at which the
electricity was created (as opposed to where it was consumed).
11.50 The Government has essentially two objections to this idea;
administrative difficulty and international agreements:
The Government would
need to design and implement a methodology that could measure carbon emissions
‘embodied’ in a range of products and which was flexible enough to be kept
up-to-date to account for new products or production methods.[26]
The design of the
Australian scheme as a production-based emissions trading scheme is intended to
ensure it is consistent with our international obligations...the international
community, including Australia, agreed that production, rather than
consumption, should be the basis for international greenhouse gas emissions
accounting rules...Calling for a new approach globally would not be seen as a
constructive contribution to international efforts to reach a global solution
to climate change. The Government assesses it as unlikely that the
international community will support a move toward a consumption-based
11.51 Professor Garnaut also rejected this model, on essentially the same two
11.52 The committee agrees that there are practical difficulties in measuring
the emissions embedded in goods and services and prefers the more common
production‑based approach that can draw on experiences with similar schemes
and be more readily linked with proposed schemes elsewhere.
e) 'Command and control'
regulatory approaches
11.53 All alternative approaches considered in this chapter can be
characterised as regulatory approaches, in that their establishment requires direct
government intervention (in the form of legislation) and that participation
would be required by law. This applies equally to the CPRS, a carbon tax, or
other models discussed in this chapter.
11.54 However, discussion of possible approaches generally distinguishes
between command-and-control regulations (for example, by limiting emissions
and/or mandating the use of low-emission or no-emission energy sources) and
more market based approaches, such as emissions trading. Mandatory emissions
standards for cars are examples of the former.
11.55 Such approaches can be combined with tax incentives or payments to
encourage reductions in emissions. An example would be purchase rebates or
lower tax for more fuel-efficient cars. Areas particularly well suited to
command and control style regulation includes some forms of pollution, such as
dangerous chemicals or noise pollution.
11.56 Until recently, these approaches, combined with voluntary programmes,
have been the primary method adopted in Australia (although mandatory market
based approaches have been attempted at state level).
11.57 However, to craft a package of regulatory measures and incentives to
bring down emissions to the government's proposed 2020 target level could prove
challenging, as Mr Comley from the Department of Climate Change noted:
In principle, there is a broad range of policies that would
be available to government to meet emissions targets. You could go down the
part of a market based scheme—that is, either a CPRS style scheme or a carbon
tax. If those had been rejected, other policies available would be mainly
regulatory policies. These are the sorts of policies that to a large extent
have been pursued to date in the climate change mitigation area. They could
include things like imposing regulatory restrictions on large or significant
projects or moving to more command-and-control measures that might limit or ban
certain activities. Where any government or future government may go in that
area is very much a set of policy questions. If the CPRS were not imposed, you
would need to look at successively more restrictive regulatory measures to
achieve any target, or you could do it on the outlay side.
To put that into
context, the government has announced energy efficiency measures that were part
of the stimulus package. These were estimated to make a contribution to
reducing emissions by around five megatons a year. If you looked at the
government’s target of minus five per cent by 2020, you would need policies
that would deliver around 135 megatons of emission reductions. If you are
looking at the minus 15 per cent target, it is more like minus 195 megatons. So
it really would be a policy question, but with[out] a comprehensive CPRS you
would need a very extensive suite of measures to achieve the sorts of
reductions are being considered within the government’s target range.[29]
11.58 Relying solely on such approaches is regarded by many as less efficient
than market-based measures. As Professor Garnaut noted:
Regulatory, or
prescriptive, approaches to reducing emissions can be haphazard. They are
inevitably informed by assessments of current and future mitigation
opportunities by officials, based on expectations about the rate of
technological development and the changing state of consumer preferences. Such
policy mechanisms have difficulty in responding to the sometimes rapid but
usually unpredictable evolution of technology and consumer preferences.[30]
11.59 The committee's view is that such forms of regulation may have a role to
play in mitigating climate change emissions. However, it seems likely that
regulatory measures will most effective when operating as a complement to a
price signal, rather than a substitute for one. This is discussed further in
Chapter 9.
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