Terms of reference
The following matter has been referred to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by 10 December 2024:
Australia’s taxation system, with particular reference to:
(a) the social and economic impact of taxing people who earn less than the cost of living;
(b) assumptions used by Treasury in modelling income tax cuts;
(c)the tax arbitrage between onshore and offshore profits that encourage domestic profits to be transferred offshore rather than retained in Australia;
(d)the tax arbitrage between onshore and offshore profits that puts companies domiciled in Australia at a competitive disadvantage to companies domiciled offshore;
(e)the abolition of numerous tax loopholes that favour special interest groups, in particular foreign interests;
(f)the actual net company tax rate after franking credits have been refunded;
(g)the cost of recycling franking credits to and from Canberra;
(h)whether capital gains tax concessions for passive investment cause a misallocation of capital into the non-productive economy which has to be offset by higher taxes on active income which drives down productivity and the velocity of money; and
(i)related matters.