


[1]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies (Requirements for Annual Reports),
29 May 2014, paragraph 5(2).

[2]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports,
29 May 2014, paragraph 6(1).

[3]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, paragraph 3(1).

[4]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, p. i.

[5]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, p. i.

[6]        The second tabling date for reports on annual reports to be tabled in the Senate by 30 April each year will be 8 September 2015 (on the tenth sitting day after 30 June of that year).

[7]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, p. i.

[8]        Following the machinery of government changes arising from the Administrative Arrangements Orders dated 23 December 2014, the Department of Industry was changed to the Department of Industry and Science, and the portfolio was renamed Industry and Science portfolio. Vocational education and training functions were also transferred from the Industry portfolio to the Education portfolio. These new changes will be reflected in future 2014–15 annual reports.

[9]        Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[10]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[11]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[12]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[13]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[14]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[15]      Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[16]      The ASIC Act directs that one annual report will cover both the AASB and the Office of the AASB. Similarly, the AUASB is required to prepare an annual report that addresses its activities and the activities of the Office of the AUASB.

[17]      The ASIC Act directs that one annual report will cover both the AASB and the Office of the AASB. Similarly, the AUASB is required to prepare an annual report that addresses its activities and the activities of the Office of the AUASB.

[18]      The Financial Reporting Panel (FRP) ceased to operate on 1 October 2012.

[19]      The ASIC Act directs that one annual report will cover both the AASB and the Office of the AASB. Similarly, the AUASB is required to prepare an annual report that addresses its activities and the activities of the Office of the AUASB.

[20]      The ASIC Act directs that one annual report will cover both the AASB and the Office of the AASB. Similarly, the AUASB is required to prepare an annual report that addresses its activities and the activities of the Office of the AUASB.

[21]      Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, 29 May 2014, p. 10.

[22]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, p. 3; Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Guidelines for the Presentation of Documents to the Parliament (Including Government Documents, Government Responses to Committee Reports, Ministerial Statements, Annual Reports and Other Instruments), October 2013, paragraph 4.10.

[23]      The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's 2013–14 annual report did not report on mandatory requirements relating to changes or variations from PBS/PAES information, compliance with disability reporting and carers' obligations as listed under items 10(2), 11(2), 14(1) and 14(3) in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet's Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, pp. 31–33.

[24]      Some agencies referred to the previous year's Requirements for Annual Reports, 24 June 2013. For example, the ASIC included two items previously listed in the 2013 requirements but removed from the 2014 requirements.

Chapter 1 - Annual report of departments

[1]        Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 8.

[2]        Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[3]        Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[4]        The figure should be $476 million and not $476 as indicated in Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[5]        Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[6]        Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[7]        Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[8]        Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[9]        Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 5.

[10]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 5.

[11]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[12]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[13]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 280.

[14]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 281.

[15]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 268.

[16]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 269.

[17]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 269 and 281.

[18]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 384.

[19]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 384.

[20]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 385.

[21]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 388.

[22]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 12.

[23]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 10–12 and 13–16.

[24]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 14–15, 30–31, 40–41 and 52–53.

[25]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 69–70.

[26]      Department of Industry, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 71.

[27]      Tabled in the chamber having been presented out of session on 31 October 2014.

[28]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[29]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[30]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[31]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[32]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[33]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 5.

[34]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[35]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[36]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[37]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 5.

[38]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 12.

[39]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 12.

[40]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 12.

[41]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 12.

[42]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 24.

[43]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2012–13, p. 32; Department of Treasury,
Annual Report 2013–14, p. 31.

[44]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013-14, p. 31.

[45]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 32.

[46]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 40.

[47]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 40.

[48]     Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 40.

[49]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 40.

[50]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 40.

[51]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 40–41.

[52]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 77–78, 84, 88 and 233.

[53]      Department of Treasury, Annual Report 2013–14, Audit report Number 9 2013–14: Determination and Collection of Financial Industry Levies, p. 81.

Chapter 2 - Individual 2013–14 Annual Reports

[1]        Following the machinery of government changes arising from the Administrative Arrangements Orders dated 23 December 2014, the Department of Industry was changed to the Department of Industry and Science, and the agency ASQA was transferred to the Education portfolio. Vocational education and training functions from the Industry portfolio was also transferred to the Education portfolio. Under the Industry portfolio ASQA is examined for the final time in this report.

[2]        Also stands referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (PJC).

[3]        Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 52.

[4]        Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 54.

[5]        Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[6]        Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[7]        Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 23.

[8]        Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 25.

[9]        Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 167.

[10]      Australian Institute of Marine Science, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 70.

[11]      Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14,
pp. 7 and 30.

[12]      Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14,
pp. 7 and 11.

[13]      Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 12.

[14]      Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 14.

[15]      Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 9.

[16]      Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 10.

[17]      Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 48.

[18]      Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 49–50.

[19]      Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[20]      Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 11.

[21]      Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[22]      Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3

[23]      Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[24]      Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[25]      Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[26]      Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 40.

[27]      Australian Skills Quality Authority, Annual Report 2013-14, p. 1.

[28]      Australian Skills Quality Authority, Annual Report 2013-14, p. 1.

[29]      Australian Skills Quality Authority, Annual Report 2013-14, p. 66.

[30]      Australian Skills Quality Authority, Annual Report 2013-14, pp. 1 and 66.

[31]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. iv , 2–5 and 12.

[32]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 17.

[33]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[34]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[35]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[36]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[37]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[38]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[39]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[40]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[41]      Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[42]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[43]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[44]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[45]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 34.

[46]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3.

[47]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 29.

[48]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 127.

[49]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator,
Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 2, 30 and 32.

[50]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator,
Annual Report 2013–14, p. 9.

[51]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator,
Annual Report 2013–14, pp.8–9 and 207.

[52]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator,
Annual Report 2013–14, p. 207.

[53]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator,
Annual Report 2013–14, p. 158.

[54]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator,
Annual Report 2013–14, p. 158.

[55]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator,
Annual Report 2013–14, p. 164.

[56]      See for example the case study on the Quad bike safety campaign on social media—Would you risk it?, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 94.

[57]      Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and Australian Energy Regulator,
Annual Report 2013–14, p. 316.

[58]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4

[59]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4

[60]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 24.

[61]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 24.

[62]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 24.

[63]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[64]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 42.

[65]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 43.

[66]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 45.

[67]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 45.

[68]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 43.

[69]      Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 36.

[70]      Australian Taxation Office, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 96-97.

[71]      The figure of about 1,400 staff is derived from a workforce of over 25,000 employees being reduced to around 23,600 employees. Australian Taxation Office, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 3

[72]      Australian Taxation Office, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. iii and 95.

[73]      Australian Taxation Office, Annual Report 2013–14, pp.  iv, 3, and 42.

[74]      Inspector-General of Taxation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 23.

[75]      Inspector-General of Taxation, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 34.

[76]      Inspector-General of Taxation, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 31–32.

[77]      Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 30.

[78]      Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 30.

[79]      Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. vii.

[80]      Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. vii.

[81]      Competitive neutrality policy seeks to ensure that government businesses do not have advantages (or disadvantages) over private sector counterparts simply by virtue of their public ownership. See Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 7.

[82]      Productivity Commission, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. 7 and 79–80.

[83]      Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. ii.

[84]      Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[85]      Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[86]      Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[87]      Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[88]      Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 2.

[89]      Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 4.

[90]      Superannuation Complaints Tribunal, Annual Report 2013–14, pp. ii and 83.

Appendix 2 - Treasury portfolio

[1]        Forwarded to the Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee also.