Additional comments from Coalition Senators

Additional comments from Coalition Senators

1.1Coalition Senators express our thanks to the committee and submitters for their efforts in conducting this inquiry. Access to reproductive healthcare and associated issues is of utmost importance to Australians, and we appreciate the attention given to this matter.

1.2Coalition Senators also recognise and appreciate the diverse range of submissions received during the inquiry, including those from individuals who hold objections to abortions and have taken the opportunity to share their personal stories.

1.3Coalition Senators firmly believe in the principles of equity and accessibility in our healthcare system. It is essential that all Australians, regardless of their geographic location, have access to the reproductive healthcare services they need.

1.4We also acknowledge challenges faced by individuals in regional, rural, and remote areas.

1.5In acknowledging the comprehensive Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) systems, Coalition Senators appreciate the reliance on expert advice to ensure that subsidised treatments and medications are available and appropriately targeted to those who require support in the community.

1.6We understand the importance of a robust and evidence-based approach in determining the allocation of resources to ensure the greatest benefit for patients across the nation.

1.7Coalition Senators note the ongoing review into the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). We recognise the significance of timely approval of new medicines and treatments in Australia, and we anticipate the outcomes of the review.

1.8While this inquiry has shed light on various aspects of reproductive healthcare, we must also acknowledge that many measures relating to reproductive services fall under the jurisdiction of state governments, which remain the appropriate entities to oversee and govern these matters.

1.9Coalition Senators remain committed to addressing the issues of access and equity in reproductive healthcare and believe in a healthcare system that provides safe, affordable, and inclusive services for all Australians.

Senator Wendy Askew