Appendix 1 - Submissions and Additional Information

Appendix 1Submissions and Additional Information

1Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

2NDIS Occupational Therapy Community of Practice

2.1 Supplementary to submission 2

3Griffith University

4Disability Advocacy Victoria and Victorian Rural Advocacy Network

5Disability Rights Advocacy Service

6Mental Health Australia

7MND Australia

8Spinal Cord Injuries Australia

9Pathways 2 Independence Pty Ltd

10Deafness Forum Australia

11Osteopathy Australia

12Positive Pathways Occupational Therapy Mental Health Service

13SCN2A Australia

14Assistive Technology Suppliers Australia

15Ms Marie Johnson

15.1 Supplementary to submission 15

16The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists


18Epilepsy ACT

19Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council

20Aruma and Alliance20

21Disability Advocacy Network Australia

22Mr Jarrod Marrinon

22.1 Supplementary to submission 22

23Epilepsy Association of SA & NT Incorporated (The Epilepsy Centre)

24The Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association

25Emerge Australia

26Australian Association of Psychologists Inc

27Blind Citizens Australia

28Solace Coordination

29Neurological Alliance Australia

30Australian Association of Social Workers

31Australian Centre for Disability Law

32Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW

33Queensland Council of Social Service

34Epilepsy Foundation

35Epilepsy Queensland

36Deafblind Australia

37AEIOU Foundation

38Queensland Nurses and Midwives' Union

39JFA Purple Orange

40Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network

41Brotherhood of St. Laurence

42Department of Social Services, the National Disability Insurance Agency and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission

42.1 Supplementary to submission 42

43Kin Disability Advocacy

44Queenslanders with Disability Network

45Specialist Disability Accommodation Alliance

46Council for the Australian Federation

47Mr Peter Gregory

48Dr George Taleporos

49Occupational Therapy Australia

50Every Australian Counts

Attachment 1

51Ability First Australia

52Mr Tony Clark

53Down Syndrome Australia

54Australian Federation of Disability Organisations

55Professor Helen Dickinson

56Dr Darren O'Donovan

57Public Interest Advocacy Centre

57.1 Supplementary to submission 57

58Women with Disabilities Australia, Women with Disabilities Victoria and Women With Disabilities ACT

59South West Autism Network

60Disability Representative Organisations (National Coordination Function)

61Council for Intellectual Disability

62Down Syndrome NSW

63People with Disability Australia

63.1 Supplementary to submission 63

64The Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association

65Office of the Public Advocate South Australia


67Advocacy for Disability Access and Inclusion Inc.

68National Disability Services

69Queensland Alliance for Mental Health

70Autism Partnership Australia

71Intellectual Disability Rights Service

72Vision Australia

73Mind Australia

74Australian Psychological Society

75Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance

75.1 Supplementary to submission 75


77Rare Voices Australia

78Advocacy WA

79National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)

80Cat Walker and Uli Cartwright

81National Legal Aid

82Belong Network & Disability Resources Centre

83NSW Disability Advocacy Network

84Disability Advocacy NSW


86The Self Manager Hub

87National Mental Health Consumer Alliance

88Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion

89Genetic Epilepsy Team Australia

90Gippsland Disability Advocacy Inc.

91Staffing Options for Community Services

92Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service

93Deaf Australia

94Aged & Community Care Providers Association

95Speech Pathology Australia

96Consumers of Mental Health WA

97Dementia Australia

98National Regional Rural Remote and Very Remote Community Legal Network (4Rs Network)

99Health Services Union

100Centre for Disability Studies

101Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities

102Disability Council NSW

103National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum

104Summer Foundation

105Institute For Urban Indigenous Health

106Name Withheld



109Name Withheld

110Ms Talie Star

111Ms Karen Kline

111.1 Supplementary to submission 111

112Name Withheld

113Name Withheld

114Name Withheld

115Name Withheld

116Ms Ruth Hoffman

117Ms Cathy Pollaers

118Name Withheld

119Name Withheld

120Miss Amanda Rudd

121Name Withheld

122Mr Geoffrey Baldwin

123Name Withheld

124Dr Kiran Amin

125MS Australia

126Uniting Communities Law Centre

127Australian Psychosocial Disability Collective

128Touching Base

129Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia

130Carers NSW

131Advocacy for Inclusion (AFI)

132Physical Disability Australia

133Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology (ARATA)

134Family Advocacy

135Australian Autism Alliance

136Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA)

137Commissioner for Children and Young People

138ICF Australia Interest Group

Attachment 1

Attachment 2

139Inclusion Tree

140Australian Music Therapy Association

141ME/CFS Australia

142Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4)

Attachment 1

143Lite n’ Easy

144Ms Danielle Keymer

145ME/CFS & the NDIS Facebook Group

146Human Rights Law Centre

147Dr Richard Madden

148Ms Krystle McCluskey

149Ms Zoe Mithen

150Name Withheld

151Name Withheld

152Name Withheld

153First Peoples Disability Network

154Mr Robert Heron

155Dr Kay Wilson

156Name Withheld

157Name Withheld

158Name Withheld

159Ms Amanda Hicks

160Mrs Leah Kateiva

161Ms Mischelle Surawski

162Mrs Kathleen McCartney

163Sam Petersen

164Name Withheld

164.1 Supplementary to submission 164

165Ms Shirley Humphris

166Name Withheld

167Mrs Lyn Williams

168Mr Mark Toomey

169Mr Bobby Noone

170Name Withheld

171Ms Heather Renton

172Name Withheld

173Dr GS Lakes

174Name Withheld

175Name Withheld

176Name Withheld

177Ms Alison Barber

178Ms Eva Paluska

179Name Withheld

180Ms Carolyn Fitzgibbon

181Mr Stevie Howson

182Name Withheld

183Name Withheld

183.1 Supplementary to submission 183

184Miss Rebecca Roussis

185Ms Maria Baduy

186Name Withheld

187Name Withheld

188Ms Micheline Lee

189Name Withheld

189.1 Supplementary to submission 189

190Sporting Dreams Queensland

191Private Congregate Care Alliance

192Allied Health Professions Australia

Attachment 1

193Name Withheld

194Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjara Women’s Council

195Name Withheld

196Real Life Assistants

197Name Withheld

198Ms Angelica Keegan

199Dr Sumi Santha-Rajah

200Dr Aaron Chambers

201Dr Michaela Baulderstone

202Queensland Disability Advisory Council (QDAC)

203Ms Caroline Summerfield

204Bolshy Divas

204.1 Supplementary to submission 204

205Allied health professionals campaign sample

Additional Information

1Department of Social Services, Correction to Explanatory Memorandum, Additional information received 17 April 2024.

2Department of Social Services, Exposure draft proposed amendment - Section 10 - Definition of NDIS support, Additional information received 22 May 2024.

3Department of Social Services, Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum - Section 10 - Definition of NDIS support, Additional information received 22 May 2024.

4Peter Gregory, What is Co-Design, Additional Information received 28 May 2024.

5Department of Social Services, Replacement Explanatory Memorandum - with corrections, Additional information received 17 April 2024.

6Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Response to invitation to comment, Additional information received 17 May 2024.

Answer to Question on Notice

1Answer to question taken on notice by Department of Social Services at a public hearing on 22 May 2024 regarding intraplan inflation; received 6 June 2024.

2Answer to question taken on notice by Department of Social Services at a public hearing on 22 May 2024 regarding National Cabinet decision regarding timing of reforms; received 6 June 2024.

3Answer to question taken on notice by Department of Social Services at a public hearing on 22 May 2024 regarding foundational supports; received 6 June 2024.

4Answer to question taken on notice by Department of Social Services at a public hearing on 22 May 2024 regarding NDIS review processes; received 6 June 2024.

5Answer to question taken on notice by Department of Social Services at a public hearing on 22 May 2024 regarding consultation process for the bill; received 6 June 2024.

6Answer to written question on notice by Department of Social Services regarding needs assessment process and requirements; received 6 June 2024.

7Answer to written question on notice by Department of Social Services regarding review rights in relation to item 30 of the bill; received 6 June 2024.

8Answer to question taken on notice by Department of Social Services at a public hearing on 22 May 2024 regarding co-design by the NDIA; received 13 June 2024.

9Answer to question taken on notice by Department of Social Services at a public hearing on 22 May 2024 regarding changes in planning and needs assessments; received 13 June 2024.

10Answer to written question on notice by Department of Social Services regarding funding of assessments and examinations when requested; received 13 June 2024.

11Answer to written question on notice by Department of Social Services regarding proposed subsections 30(3) and 30(6); received 13 June 2024.

12Answer to written question on notice by Department of Social Services regarding amendment to section 10 of the bill; received 13 June 2024.

13Name withheld, Answer to question taken on notice at a public hearing on 21 May 2024; received 28 May 2024.

14Answer to question taken on notice by Down Syndrome NSW at a public hearing on 14 June 2024; received 17 June 2024.

15Answer to question taken on notice by Consumers of Mental Health WA at a public hearing on 14 June 2024; received 17 June 2024.

16Answer to question taken on notice by Women with Disabilities Australia at a public hearing on 14 June 2024; received 17 June 2024.

17Answer to question taken on notice by Disability Advocacy Network Australia at a public hearing on 14 June 2024; received 17 June 2024.

18Answer to question taken on notice by the Australian Autism Alliance at a public hearing on 14 June 2024; received 17 June 2024.

19Answer to question taken on notice by Inclusion Australia at a public hearing on 14 June 2024; received 17 June 2024.

20Answers to questions taken on notice by the Department of Social Services at a public hearing on 14 June 2024; received 20 June 2024.