List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

4.29The committee recommends that the Australian Bureau of Statistics:

include geographic indicators in its excess mortality estimates; and

address gaps in the production and publication of data on excess mortality among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, and people in rural and regional areas.

Recommendation 2

4.35The committee recommends that the Australian Government consider the design and compensation arrangements of a no-fault compensation scheme for Commonwealth-funded vaccines in response to a future pandemic event.

Recommendation 3

4.42The committee recommends that the Australian Government establish the Australian Centre for Disease Control as soon as practicable.

Recommendation 4

4.43The committee recommends that the Australian Government task the Department of Health and Aged Care with reviewing Australia’s public health information communication strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic, to improve the delivery of future public health communication.

Recommendation 5

4.44The committee recommends that the Senate take note of the following:

witness participation in public hearings is critical to the committee inquiry process;

all witnesses who participate in committee public hearings should be treated with respect;

Senators should be reminded of the Resolution on the Broadcasting of Senate and Committee Proceedings.