62nd Report


Standing order 19 (2) and (3) requires that the Committee determine the amounts to be included in the parliamentary appropriation bills for the Department of the Senate.

Proposed Appropriations for 2020-21

The Committee notes that the Senate Department’s 2020-21 appropriations have been calculated in accordance with the current Commonwealth funding policy.

The proposed appropriation for 2020-21 (which rounds to $26.2m in the Portfolio Budget Statement) has been calculated as follows:

Part 1 - Departmental Annual Appropriation

The prior year’s budget for departmental expenses
(as disclosed in the 2019-20 PBS)
Agreed budget measures:
Parliamentary Departments – additional funding
Other adjustments (economic parameters) $0.117m
Total departmental appropriation for 2020-21 $26.211m

The total appropriation includes one off supplementation to support the unprecedented high levels of committee activity which was sought with the Committee’s agreement.

With the 2020 Federal Budget being delivered following the commencement of the 2020-21 financial year, the department’s funds have been divided into two bills. Supply (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2020-2021 which appropriated the department $13.983m and received assent on 24 March 2020. The balance of the department’s 2020-21 appropriation, $12.228m, is included in the Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2020-21, as a part of the federal budget delivered on 6 October 2020.

Part 2 – Accumulated Prior Year Appropriations, Operating Results and Capital Expenditure

Balance of prior year appropriations (as at 30 June 2020) $12.507m

Part 3 - Special Appropriations (senators' remuneration and entitlements)

Made up of the following components (for this and next year):

Parliamentary Business Resources Act 2017 $21.312m
Parliamentary Superannuation Act 2004 $2.550m
Australian Constitution $1.417m
Total Special Appropriations for 2019-20 $25.279m
Parliamentary Business Resources Act 2017 $21.608m
Parliamentary Superannuation Act 2004 $2.550m
Australian Constitution $1.553m
Total Special Appropriations for 2020-21 $25.711m

Special appropriations of $25.711m will be drawn down during the year to facilitate third party payments on behalf on Department of Finance (compared to an estimate of $25.279m in 2019-20).


As noted on page 11 of the Department’s Portfolio Budget Statements 2020-21, the Department expects to be able to meet these demands within existing resources in the current (2020-21) year, as a result of the welcome receipt of additional funding. However, if the level of activity continues or increases, the Department will seek a continuation of the additional funding over the forward estimates to ensure the requirements of the Senate and senators can be met.


The Committee determines that the total appropriation to be approved by the Parliament in the Appropriations (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2020-21 is $12.228m which contributes to overall funding for the department in 2020-21 of $26.211m and reports to the Senate accordingly.

Senator the Hon Scott Ryan