

ACTUAustralian Council of Trade Unions

AFTINETAustralian Fair Trade and Investment Network

ALECAustralian Livestock Exporters’ Council

AMICAustralian Meat Industry Council

CEPAComprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement

CITESConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

DFATDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade

ESExplanatory Statement

FTAFree Trade Agreement

ICDSInternational Convention against Doping in Sport

ILOInternational Labour Organization

ISDSInvestor-State Dispute Settlement

JSCOTJoint Standing Committee on Treaties

NIANational Interest Analysis

SMESmall and Medium-sized Enterprise

SPSSanitaryand Phytosanitary

UAEUnited Arab Emirates

UNUnited Nations

WADAWorld Anti-Doping Agency

WTOWorld Trade Organization