Executive Summary

Executive Summary

This report contains the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties’ (JSCOT) review of the following major treaty action: Audiovisual Co-production Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of India (Mumbai, 10 March 2023) (Agreement) and the Minor Treaty Action: Amendment to the Agreement Establishing the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (25 October 2021).

The Agreement

The Agreement provides a framework for the parties to cooperate to approve the making of audiovisual productions including feature films, television, video recordings, animations, and digital format productions. Projects that are approved as official co-productions under the Agreement will be regarded as national productions of both Australia and India. This would be the fourteenth co-production arrangement that Australia has entered under Australia’s International Co-Production Program.

The aim of this program is to foster industry development and cultural exchange between cooperating countries. The Agreement will build on existing partnerships between Australia and Indian producers to develop high quality projects. It will also encourage screen industry employment, technical development and cultural exchange between Australia and India by facilitating screen co-production. Moreover, it will increase output of high-quality productions through sharing investment with India.

The Committee held an inquiry into the treaty which included a public hearing. The Committee notes support for ratification from Government and other stakeholders including those from the Australian-Indian film industry. At the public hearing the Committee explored key issues relating to the Agreement, including Australia’s connection with India, approval of audiovisual work, censorship, the operation of Australia’s producer offset, the percentage of original footage required in the context of documentary film-making, the role of the competent authority, and skills and practice transfer.

The committee supports the Agreement and recommends binding treaty action be taken.

Minor Treaty Action

The Amendment to the Agreement Establishing the International Organisation of Vine and Wine was adopted without inquiry.