

A-UKFTAAustralia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement

ACCIAustralian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

ACTUAustralian Council of Trade Unions

ADFAustralian Defence Force

AFTINETAustralian Fair Trade and Investment Network

APECAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

CPTPPProtocol on the Accession of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and associated side-letters

DCPDefence Cooperation Program

DFATDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade

FTAFree trade agreement

ILOInternational Labour Organization

ILO 191International Labour Organization Convention No. 191: Safe and Healthy Working Environment (Consequential Amendments) Convention

IPEFIndo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Agreement relating to Supply Chain Resilience

ISDSInvestor-State Dispute Settlement

JSCOTJoint Standing Committee on Treaties

MLCMaritime Labour Convention

MOUMemorandum of Understanding

NIANational Interest Analysis

OSHCOccupational Safety and Health Convention

RFMFRepublic of Fiji Military Forces

TPPTrans-Pacific Partnership

UKUnited Kingdom

USUnited States

WHOWorld Health Organization

WHSWorkplace health and safety

WTO World Trade Organization