

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Joint Committee on Publications (JCP) (2006), Distribution of the Parliamentary Papers Series, Commonwealth of Australia, PP No. 114 of 2006.

[2]        ANAO, Online Availability of Government Entities' Documents Tabled in the Australian Parliament, No. 37/2008-09, Commonwealth of Australia, PP No. 95/2009.

[3]        op cit, p. 35.

[4]        ibid.

[5]        op cit, pp 34-36.

[6]        AGIMO, Interacting with Government: Australians' use and satisfaction with e-government services, Department of Finance and Deregulation, December 2009, pp 1, 4-5.

[7]        Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 1.

[8]        JCP, op cit, p. 2.

[9]        Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 2 (Included in this 430 are approximately 12 consolidated volumes of reports from Senate committees that comprise an average of 120 individual reports. Thus the total number of individual documents in the series each year is closer to 550.).

[10]      Senate standing order 169(1)(b).

[11]      House of Representatives standing order 202(a).

[12]      see also Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, pp 2-3.

[13]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 2.

[14]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 2; Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 1.

[15]      JCP, op cit, pp 27-41.

Chapter 2 - Electronic Parliamentary Papers Series

[1]        Library Deposit Scheme; Legal Deposit; and Free Issue.

[2]        UNSW Library, Submission 3, p. 1.

[3]        JCP, op cit, p. 29.

[4]        State Library of Tasmania, Submission 7, p. 1; UNSW Library, Submission 3, p. 2; House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 6.

[5]        UNSW Library, Submission 3, p. 1; the State Library of Tasmania make a similar remark.

[6]        ALIA, Submission 4, p. 1.

[7]        Parliamentary Librarian (DPS), Submission 5, pp 1-2.

[8]        State Library of Tasmania, Submission 7, p. 1.

[9]        ibid.

[10]      ibid.

[11]      State Library of South Australia, Submission 1, p. 1.

[12]      Queensland Parliamentary Library, Submission 8, p. 1.

[13]      NAA, Submission 9, p. 1.

[14]      NLA, Submission 11, pp 1-2.

[15]      All submissions to this inquiry comment on one or more of these points.

[16]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Guidelines for the presentation of documents to the Parliament, Canberra, January 2001, p. 4.

[17]      JCP, Distribution of the Parliamentary Papers Series, Commonwealth of Australia, PP No. 114/2006, p. 28.

[18]      Ms Pamela Gatenby, National Library of Australian, Committee Hansard, 31 October 2005, p. 13.

[19]      ANAO, op cit, p. 16.

[20]      ibid.

[21]      JCP, op cit, p. 28.

[22]      State Library of South Australia, Submission 1, p. 1; NLA, Submission 11, p. 1.

[23]      UNSW Library, Submission 3, p. 1.

[24]      State Library of Tasmania, Submission 7, p. 1.

[25]      ibid.

[26]      ibid.

[27]      NSW Parliamentary Library, Submission 12, p. 1.

[28]      JCP, op cit, p. 7 (The report states that in 1971, 552 recipients received the PPS free of charge. That number is now 51); JCP, Review of the Cost and Distribution of the Parliamentary Paper Series, Commonwealth of Australia, PP No. 450/1986 (110 bound volumes were produced and 81 sets provided to eligible recipients, p. 27); Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 3 (The submission states that in the mid 1990s 24 recipients received bound volumes).

[29]      Joint Select Committee on Parliamentary and Government Publications, Report, Canberra, 1964, in Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 6.

[30]      AGIMO, Documents tabled in Parliament, accessed on 5 June 2010 from

[31]      PM&C, op cit, p. 8, paragraph 4.35.

[32]      NAA, Policy on archiving web resources: A Policy for Keeping Records of Web-based Activity in the Commonwealth, revised January 2001, p. 8, paragraph 2.3, accessed on 5 June 2010 from

[33]      ibid.

[34]      NLA, Submission 11, p. 4.

[35]      State Library of Queensland, Submission 2, p.1; UNSW Library, Submission 3, p.2; ALIA, Submission 4, p. 2; Parliamentary Librarian (DPS), Submission 5, p.2; Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 2; NLA, Submission 11, p. 3.

[36]      ANAO, op cit, p. 36.

[37]      ANAO, op cit, pp 36-37.

[38]      JCP, op cit, p. 40.

[39]      JCP, op cit, pp 33-35.

[40]      JCP, op cit, p. 33.

[41]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, 8146.0 – Household use of information technology, Australia, 2008-09, see [cited in Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 7].

[42]      NLA, Submission 11, p. 5.

[43]      State Library of Tasmania, Submission 7, p. 1.

[44]      JCP, op cit, p. 33.

[45]      AGIMO, Interacting with Government: Australians' use and satisfaction with e-government services, Department of Finance and Deregulation, December 2009

[46]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 7.

[47]      ALIA, Submission 4, p. 3.

[48]      JCP, op cit, p. 34

[49]      JCP, op cit, p. 39; Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 3; Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 9.

[50]      NLA, Submission 11, pp 4-5.

[51]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 3.

[52]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 8.

[53]      NLA, Submission 11, pp 3-4.

[54]      NSW Parliamentary Library, Submission 12, p. 1.

[55]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 7.

[56]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 4.

[57]      NAA, Submission 9, p. 1.

[58]      State Library of Queensland, Submission 2, p. 1.

[59]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 4.

[60]      Parliamentary Librarian (DPS), Submission 5, p. 2.

[61]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 7.

[62]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 4.

[63]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 8.

[64]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 3.

[65]      NLA, Submission 11, p. 2.

[66]      State Library of Queensland, Submission 2, p. 1.

[67]      Queensland Parliamentary Library, Submission 8, p. 1.

[68]      UNSW Library, Submission 3, p. 2.

[69]      ibid.

[70]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6, pp 3, 4.

[71]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 5.

[72]      Parliamentary Librarian (DPS), Submission 5, p. 2.

[73]      UNSW Library, Submission 3, p. 2.

[74]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 9.

[75]      Queensland Parliamentary Library, Submission 8, p. 2.

[76]      NSW Parliamentary Library, Submission 12, p. 1.

[77]      Parliamentary Librarian (DPS), Submission 5, p. 3.

[78]      Parliamentary Librarian (DPS), Submission 5, p. 2.

[79]      NLA, Submission 11, p.4.

[80]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6; Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10.

[81]      JCP, op cit, p. 34.

[82]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 9.

[83]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p. 4.

[84]      See paragraph 2.6

[85]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 9

[86]      ibid.

[87]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, pp 8-9

[88]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, p. 2.

[89]      Department of the House of Representatives, Submission 10, pp 9-10.

[90]      Department of the Senate, Submission 6, p.5.

[91]      Parliamentary Librarian (DPS), Submission 5, p. 3.