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Recommendation 1

2.17    The committee recommends that an electronic PPS be developed and implemented.

Recommendation 2

2.62    The committee recommends that the parliamentary departments undertake a business case to examine issues relating to the maintenance of electronic records and long-term archival requirements that would be required in developing an electronic PPS.

Recommendation 3

2.91    The committee recommends that the parliamentary departments develop a digital repository for the PPS based in the Parliament.

Recommendation 4

2.99    The committee recommends that a business case, referred to in recommendation 2, also include:

Recommendation 5

2.100  The committee recommends that author departments and agencies be required to provide electronic copies of documents at the same time print copies are provided for tabling in the Parliament.

Recommendation 6

2.101  The committee recommends that a digital repository for the PPS be in production and accessible to users by early 2011, to coincide with the start of the 2011 PPS.

Recommendation 7

2.111  The committee recommends that the chamber departments administer a digital repository for the PPS.

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