Chair's Foreword

This report contains the Committee’s review of three Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) reports that focus on the administration of grant programs within Australian Government entities.
The ANAO reports selected for inquiry cover a range of program areas, including academia, regional and rural infrastructure projects, and community sports. Each of these reports has provided insight into the issues and trends currently facing the administration of grants programs.
During the course of the inquiry, the Committee noted that agencies worked closely with the Auditor-General to identify how best to implement the recommendations made to ensure improvement. The Committee also noted the Australian Government’s response to the recommendations of the Auditor-General, which will entail a significant change to the legislative framework governing grants administration.
The Committee’s recommendations in this report largely address broad themes and issues identified across the Regional Jobs and Investment Package, the Australian Research Council's Administration of the National Competitive Grants Program, and the Community Sport Infrastructure Program.
I thank those organisations and entities that made written submissions and appeared at public hearings to this inquiry.
Ms Lucy Wicks MP

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