Chapter 4

Other matters

This short chapter provides a brief overview of issues raised by submitters and in witness testimony that the committee has not yet had time to examine in detail, and notes some of the measures taken by government to improve the operation of the planning process and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) more generally.

Other matters raised

Outlined below is a sample of issues identified during the present inquiry that the committee has not had the time to consider in detail. Key issues include:
barriers to accessing the NDIS—in particular, the complexity of the Access Request Form and difficulties obtaining evidence to support an application;
processes for triaging children, people with acquired disability and people with life-limiting conditions;
planning support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds;
support for people accessing the NDIS through advocacy organisations;
supported decision-making for people with cognitive disability;
support for pre-planning and plan implementation;
participants and providers in rural and regional areas—including participant access to supports in thin markets;
assistance, guidance and support for self-managed participants;
support for NDIS providers;
planning and access for people with psychosocial disability;
workforce matters, including staff, resourcing and training; and
contractual arrangements between the NDIA and Local Area Coordinators.
The committee will consider these issues, and additional evidence relating to matters outlined elsewhere in this report, in the coming months, and proposes to present a more detailed report to the Parliament in 2020. This final report will include additional recommendations to improve the planning process.

Ongoing work to improve the planning process

As outlined in previous chapters, a number of measures to improve the operation of the planning process, and the operation of the NDIS more broadly, have either been implemented or are in progress.
These initiatives include the 'soft launch' of joint planning, the Tune Review and development of the Participant Services Guarantee, and the service improvements implemented as part of the NDIA's Pathways program.
The committee considers that more time is needed to observe whether these initiatives will be effective in improving the planning process.
Hon Kevin Andrews MPSenator Carol Brown
ChairDeputy Chair

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