Appendix 3

Additional documents

Answers to questions on notice

44th Parliament

Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 4 March 2016, Canberra – AFP
Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 4 March 2016, Canberra - Acting Director Andrew Kettle, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 4 March 2016, Canberra - Australian Taxation Office
Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 4 March 2016, Canberra - Sir Ronnie Flanagan GBE QPM MA
Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 4 March 2016, Canberra - Philip Morris Ltd.
Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 4 March 2016, Canberra - Imperial Tobacco Australia Ltd. Answer to Question on Notice - public hearing 9 September 2015, Canberra - Department of Health.
Additional Information to the Questions on Notice provided by Imperial Tobacco Australia Ltd. (QON no. 6)

45th Parliament

Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 23 November 2016, Canberra - Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 23 November 2016, Canberra – ACCC
Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 23 November 2016, Canberra - Australian Taxation Office
Answers to Questions on Notice - Public hearing, 22 March 2017, Canberra - Department of Health
Answers to written Questions on Notice (received 28 June 2017)

46th Parliament

Australian Border Force, answer to question on notice, 6 December 2019 (received 2 January 2020).
Phillip Morris, Online tobacco sales, answer to question on notice 6 December 2019 (received 13 January 2020)
QON Phillip Morris, illicit tobacco market size, 6 December 2019 (received 13 January 2020)
QON Phillip Morris, Online tobacco sales, 6 December 2019 (received 13 January 2020)
QON Phillip Morris, Transnational Crime p.4, 6 December 2019 (received 13 January 2020)

Additional information

45th Parliament

Tabled by the Australian National Audit Office at a public hearing on Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Tabled by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection at a public hearing on Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Correction of evidence given on 23 November 2016 by the Australian Tax Office (received on 12 December 2016)

46th Parliament

World Bank Illicit Tobacco report, Chapter two: Australia (received 25 November 2019)
Additional Information-ATO correction to submission 177 (received 9 Dec 2019)
A study of illicit cigarette consumption in Latin America and Canada (received 13 January 2020)


45th Parliament

Correspondence received from the Australian Crime Commission - 11 May 2016

Tabled documents

46th Parliament

Dr Scollo, documents tabled 6 December 2019.
Police Federation of Australia, opening statement 6 December 2019

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