Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Parliament House
State and Territory Alcohol and Other Drug Peaks Network
Ms Jill Rundle, Chief Executive Officer, WA Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies
Mr Ethan James, Manager Advocacy, WA Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies
Dr Devin Bowles, Chief Executive Officer, Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT (appearing in person)
Victorian Alcohol & Drug Association
Mr Sam Biondo, Executive Officer
Mr David Taylor, Policy and Media
Dr Vernon White and Dr John Coyne
Alcohol and Drug Foundation
Dr Erin Lalor, Chief Executive Officer
Harm Reduction Australia
Mr Gino Vumbaca, President
Prof Nicole Lee, Director
Independent Drug Education Australia
Mr Thomas Reynolds, Founder
Penington Institute
Mr John Ryan, Chief Executive Officer
Australian Medical Association (South Australia)
Dr Chris Moy, President
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Parliament House
ACT Policing- Via videoconference
Mr Michael Chew, Acting Deputy Commissioner
Mr Callum Hughes, Detective Acting Superintendent
Police Federation of Australia- Attending in person
Scott Weber, President
Australian Association of Social Marketing- Via Videoconference
Professor Ross Gordon, President
Advertising Council Australia- Via videoconference
Mr Tony Hale, Chief Executive Officer
Ms Kate Smither, Consultant
Saatchi & Saatchi- Via videoconference
Mr Anthony Gregorio, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Toby Aldred, Managing Director
Ms Hannah McHardy, Junior Planner
UM - Via videoconference
Mr Brett Elliot, General Manager
Ms Lauren Bray, Senior Strategist
Department of Health- Via videoconference
Ms Jodie Grieve, Assistant Secretary, Public Information Branch
Mr David Laffan, Assistant Secretary, Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs Branch

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