List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

The committee recommends the Australian Government implement a new public communications campaign via the National Drugs Campaign that will support law enforcement agencies' efforts to reduce current and future illicit drug demand. The campaign should include the targeted use of social media.

Recommendation 2

The committee recommends future Australian Government communications campaigns include the following characteristics:
contain targeted messages on the dangers of illicit drug use to key cohorts;
reflect the lived experiences of illicit drug users and also the experiences of trusted people, such as teachers and healthcare workers, to establish behavioural change;
provide information on addiction treatment off-ramps;
include a national schools element that will take a multi-component approach to developing protective factors and involve the national education community in its design and implementation;
be based on appropriately detailed and considered research and, prior to commencement, have in place both quantitative and qualitative measures for efficacy; and,
take a long-term approach of at least 3–5 years and include a sustained approach to key cohorts over that entire period.

Recommendation 3

The committee recommends the Australian Government establish a formal mechanism to ensure that Commonwealth, State and Territory law enforcement bodies have a strong, equal voice in developing policies and strategies to reduce illicit drug demand, including drug treatment services.

Recommendation 4

The committee recommends the Australian Government support research, potentially by the Australian Institute of Criminology, into the efficacy of addiction treatment programs in reducing drug-related crime recidivism.

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