
Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Act 2010, ss. 7(1).

[2]        Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, About us: legislation, (accessed 12 January 2017).

[3]        House of Representatives Hansard, 18 March 2010, p. 2925.

[4]        Votes and Proceedings, No. 159—23 November 2015, p. 1731.

[5]        Journals of the Senate, No. 127—23 November 2015, p. 3397.  The annual report was presented out of sitting in the Senate on 18 November 2015.

Chapter 2 - Australian Crime Commission Annual Report 2014-15

[1]        Australian Crime Commission (ACC), About the Australian Crime Commission, (accessed January 2016). 

[2]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 8.

[3]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 8.

[4]        Australian Crime Commission Act 2002, ss. 61(2).

[5]        Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, s. 46.

[6]        Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014, div. 3A.

[7]        Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, s. 39.

[8]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 21.

[9]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 21.

[10]      ACC, Annual Report 2014­–15, p. 21.

[11]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 21.

[12]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, pp 52–55.

[13]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 55.

[14]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 55.

[15]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 133.

[16]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 5.

[17]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, pp 196–197.

[18]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 190.

[19]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 150.

[20]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 190.

[21]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 190.

[22]      Crimes Act 1914, s. 15GC.

[23]      Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Act, s. 10.

[24]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, A report on the Commonwealth Ombudsman's activities in monitoring controlled operations, January 2016.

[25]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, A report on the Commonwealth Ombudsman's activities in monitoring controlled operations, January 2016, p. 10.

[26]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, A report on the Commonwealth Ombudsman's activities in monitoring controlled operations, January 2016, p. 13.

[27]      Surveillance Devices Act 2004, ss. 55(1).

[28]      Surveillance Devices Act 2004, ss. 6A(6).

[29]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Report to the Attorney-General on the results of inspections of records under s 55 of the Surveillance Devices Act 2004, March 2015, p. 1.

[30]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Report to the Attorney-General on the agencies' compliance with the Surveillance Devices Act 2004, September 2015.

[31]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Report to the Attorney-General on the agencies' compliance with the Surveillance Devices Act 2004, September 2015, p. 8.

[32]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Report to the Attorney-General on the agencies' compliance with the Surveillance Devices Act 2004, September 2015, p. 8.

Chapter 3 - Australian Crime Commission performance measurement

[1]        Attorney General's Department, Portfolio Budget Statement 2014-15, p.112.

[2]        Attorney General's Department, Portfolio Budget Statement 2014–15, p. 112.

[3]        Attorney General's Department, Portfolio Budget Statement 2014-15, p. 112.

[4]        Australian Crime Commission (ACC), Annual Report 2013–14, p. 19.

[5]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 23.

[6]        Australian National Audit Office, Audit Report No. 5 2011-12, Development and Implementation of Key Performance Indicators to Support the Outcomes and Programs Framework, September 2011, p. 53.

[7]        Australian National Audit Office, Audit Report No. 5 2011-12, Development and Implementation of Key Performance Indicators to Support the Outcomes and Programs Framework, September 2011, p. 53.

[8]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, pp 24–35.

[9]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 2.

[10]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 24.

[11]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 24.

[12]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 24.

[13]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 20.

[14]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 24.

[15]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 24.

[16]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 24.

[17]      ACC, Annual Report, 2013–14, p. 21.

[18]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 20.

[19]      ACC, Annual Report 2013­–14, p. 21.

[20]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 25.

[21]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 21.

[22]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 25.

[23]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 26.

[24]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 22.

[25]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 26.

[26]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 26.

[27]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 26.

[28]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 26.

[29]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 27.

[30]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 27.

[31]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 23

[32]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 27.

[33]      ACC, Annual report 2014–15, p. 28.

Chapter 4 - Key issues

[1]        Mr Chris Dawson APM, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Crime Commission (ACC), Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 1.

[2]        The Hon Michael Keenan, 'New super agency to tackle emerging threats', Media release, 5 November 2015

[3]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 128.

[4]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 128.

[5]        Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 1.

[6]        Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 1.

[7]        ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 18.

[8]        Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 2.

[9]        Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 2.

[10]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 2.

[11]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 2.

[12]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 92.

[13]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 18.

[14]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 3.

[15]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 1.

[16]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 4.

[17]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 4.

[18]      Mr Colin Blanch, Executive Director, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 4.

[19]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 4.

[20]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 169.

[21]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, pp 6–7.

[22]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 7.

[23]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 66.

[24]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 67.

[25]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 95.

[26]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 115.

[27]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 95.

[28]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 95.

[29]      ACC, Annual Report 2013–14, p. 93.

[30]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 115.

[31]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 96.

[32]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2016, p. 6.

[33]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 96.

[34]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 163.

[35]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 65.

[36]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 65.

[37]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 63.

[38]      Mr Dawson APM, ACC, Committee Hansard, 11 February 2015, p. 1.

[39]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 63.

[40]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 63.

[41]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 163.

[42]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 68.

[43]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 68.

[44]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 69.

[45]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 69.

[46]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 40.

[47]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 41.

[48]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 41.

[49]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 41.

[50]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 42.

[51]      ACC, Illicit Drug Data Report, 14 May 2015.

[52]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 42.

[53]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 43.

[54]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 154.

[55]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 156.

[56]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 156.

[57]      ACC, Annual Report 2014–15, p. 157.