List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that, subject to the finalisation of a satisfactory Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), the Australian Government develop a campaign to actively promote the business opportunities presented by the agreement.

Recommendation 2

The Committee recommends that, subject to the finalisation of a satisfactory Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), the Australian Government gives priority to the development of infrastructure in Northern Australia that is beneficial to developing maritime, education and tourism services partnerships with Indonesia.

Recommendation 3

The Committee recommends that the Australian Government, through the IA-CEPA negotiations, focus on the reduction of non-tariff barriers to trade such as the standardisation of food and pharmaceutical labelling and certification requirements.
The Committee further recommends that the Australian Government establish a national food and pharmaceutical certification process, agreed by the Indonesian Government, to simplify this process for Australian exporters.

Recommendation 4

The Committee recommends that the text of the IA-CEPA should not include provisions which waive labour market testing, or which include ISDS provisions, and the final text of the agreement should be accompanied by independent analysis conducted by either the Productivity Commission or equivalent organisation.

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