

AAAAustralian Alliance for Animals

A-A-NZFTAASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

A-EUFTAAustralia-European Union Free Trade Agreement

A-IECTAAustralia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement

ASEANAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations

A-UKFTAAustralia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement

A-USFTAAustralia-United States Free Trade Agreement

ABFAustralian Border Force

ACCAustralian Copyright Council

ACTUAustralian Council of Trade Unions

AFTINETAustralian Fair Trade and Investment Network

Ai GroupAustralian Industry Group

AMNFAustralian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

AMWUAustralian Manufacturing Workers’ Union

APLAustralian Pork Limited

AustradeAustralian Trade and Investment Commission

AWUAustralian Workers’ Union

BCABusiness Council of Australia

BITbilateral investment treaty

CGEComputable General Equilibrium

CPTPPComprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

DAFFDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

DEAAustralia-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement

DFATDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade

EANOEconomic Analysis of the Negotiated Outcome

ETUElectrical Trades Union

EUEuropean Union

FDIforeign direct investment

FTAfree trade agreement

FWOFair Work Ombudsman

G7Group of Seven

GABCGerman Australian Business Council

GATSGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services

GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GCCGulf Cooperation Council

GDPgross domestic product

GIgeographical indication

GPAAgreement on Government Procurement

GTAGrain Trade Australia

HSI AustraliaHumane Society International Australia

ILOInternational Labour Organization

IPintellectual property

IPRintellectual property rights

ISDSinvestor-state dispute settlement

JSCOTJoint Standing Committee on Treaties

MCFMelbourne Climate Futures

MEAAMedia, Entertainment and Arts Alliance

MNPmovement of natural persons

MUAMaritime Union of Australia

NFFNational Farmers’ Federation

NIANational Interest Analysis

NZNew Zealand

NZ MFATNew Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

ODAOfficial Development Assistance

PACER PlusPacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus

PHAAPublic Health Association of Australia

PSIPublic Services International

PTApreferential trade agreement

RCEPRegional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

RISRegulatory Impact Statement

RMACRed Meat Advisory Council

S-AFTASingapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement

SDGSustainable Development Goals

SIASustainability Impact Assessment

SMESmall and medium-sized enterprise

SPAScreen Producers Australia

TRIPSAgreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

TSDTrade and Sustainable Development

UNUnited Nations

UNDRIPUN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

UKUnited Kingdom

USUnited States

WIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization

WTOWorld Trade Organization