
The Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has existed in different forms since 1988 and has entered its 15th year in its current iteration. Over time, its scope, role and functions have been extended, and members have worked hard to consider significant pieces of national security legislation.
Like other parts of the Australian community, the Committee has quickly adapted to the challenges brought on by COVID-19. We have welcomed the dynamism shown by the PJCIS Secretariat and the intelligence agencies overseen by the Committee. This past year has seen a significant uptake of technology in order to continue the oversight functions of the Committee.
The workload of the Committee continues to rise substantially, yet the Intelligence Services Act 2001 remains unchanged. We look forward to a review of the legislation that considers the role, powers and resources invested in the Committee. This review would follow the 2017 Independent Intelligence Review by L’Estrange and Merchant which recommended a variety of amendments to appropriately equip the Committee for its future work.
The Committee also looks forward to the publication of the legislative review conducted by Dennis Richardson AO, which will give direction to the reforms required of the legal framework governing the National Intelligence Community.
Mr Andrew Hastie MPHon Anthony Byrne MP
Chair Deputy Chair
October 2020October 2020

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