B. Committee reports (1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019)

Referred inquiries
Title of report
Tabling date
Government response
Advisory report on the Office of National Intelligence Bill 2018 and Office of National Intelligence (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2018
24 October 2018
23 November 2018
Advisory Report on the Intelligence Services Amendment Bill 2018
4 December 2018
Not required
Advisory Report on the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018
5 December 2018
Not required
The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police Powers at Airports) Bill 2018
13 February 2019
4 July 2019
Advisory Report on the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Strengthening the Citizenship Loss Provisions) Bill 2018
14 February 2019
No response to date
Advisory report on the Counter-Terrorism (Temporary Exclusion Orders) Bill 2019
3 April 2019
4 July 2019
Administrative and expenditure reviews
Title of report
Tabling date
Government response
Review of Administration and Expenditure No. 16 (2016 – 2017) Australian Intelligence Agencies
13 February 2019
Not required
Annual reports
Title of report
Tabling date
Government response
Annual report of Committee Activities (2017 – 2018)
20 September 2018
Not required
Review of terrorist listings
Title of report
Tabling date
Government response
Review of the re-listing of:
Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas Brigades);
the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK);
Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT); and
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
as terrorist organisations under the Criminal Code
20 September 2018
Not required
Review of the listing of Jemaah Anshorut Daulah and Jama'at Mujahideen Bangladesh as terrorist listings under the Criminal Code
20 September 2018
Not required
Statutory reviews
Title of report
Tabling date
Government response
Review of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Act 2018
3 April 2019
No response to date

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