Competition and Consumer Amendment (Misuse of Market Power) Bill 2014

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Competition and Consumer Amendment (Misuse of Market Power) Bill 2014

Sponsor: Senator Xenophon
Introduced: Senate, 6 March 2014

1.93      This bill proposes to amend the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 to provide the Court with the power to give directions to order a corporation to reduce its market share where the corporation has been found to have contravened sections 46(1) or 46(1AA) of the Act in relation to misuse of market power. The bill allows the Court to direct a corporation to reduce its market share within two years of the order being made on the application of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission or any other person.[1]

1.94      The bill is accompanied by a statement of compatibility which states that it does not engage any human rights.[2]

1.95      The committee considers that the bill does not appear to give rise to human rights concerns.

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