Bills unlikely to raise human rights concerns

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Bills unlikely to raise human rights concerns

Civil Aviation Amendment (CASA Board) Bill 2014

Portfolio: Infrastructure and Regional Development
Introduced: House of Representatives, 6 March 2014

1.86      This bill proposes to amend the Civil Aviation Act 1988 to increase the size of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Board to a total of six members. The bill allows for the appointment of two additional Board members with technical and/or operational aviation experience to increase the depth of knowledge and skills on the Board.[1] The bill also makes two minor amendments to increase the number of Board members required to constitute a quorum at a Board meeting and increases the number of Board members required to initiate an ad hoc Board meeting.[2]

1.87      The bill is accompanied by a statement of compatibility which states that it promotes the right to work[3] and engages rights at work.[4]

1.88      The committee considers that the bill does not appear to give rise to human rights concerns.

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