Customs Amendment (Smuggled Tobacco) Bill 2012

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Customs Amendment (Smuggled Tobacco) Bill 2012

Introduced into the House of Representatives on 27 June 2012
Portfolio: Attorney-General
Response received: 10 October 2012

Committee view

1.2        The committee thanks the Attorney-General for confirming that the bill engages article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The committee makes no further comment on this bill.

Purpose of the bill

1.3        This bill amends the Customs Act 1901 to create new criminal offences for smuggling tobacco products and for conveying or possessing smuggled tobacco products. These new offences combine the penalties of the existing smuggling and fraud offences by providing a pecuniary penalty of up to five times the duty evaded in addition to up to 10 years imprisonment.

1.4        The Attorney-General's response can be found in Appendix 1.

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