Part 2

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Part 2

Legislative Instruments introduced 17–20 September 2012

Consideration of legislative instruments

2.1        The committee has considered 34 legislative instruments introduced in the Parliament between 17 and 20 September 2012. The full list of instruments scrutinised by the committee can be found in Appendix 2.

2.2        Ten of these instruments do not appear to raise human rights concerns and are accompanied by statements of compatibility that the committee considers to be adequate.

2.3        21 instruments have been introduced with statements of compatibility that do not fully meet the committee's expectations. As the instruments in question do not raise human rights compatibility concerns, the committee has written to the relevant Ministers in a purely advisory capacity providing guidance on the preparation of statements of compatibility. The committee hopes that this approach will assist in the preparation of future statements of compatibility that conform more completely to the committee's expectations.

2.4        Two instruments appear to have been introduced without a statement of compatibility. The committee has written to the relevant Minister to seek clarification for the absence of a statement.

2.5        The committee has identified one instrument for which it seeks further clarification from the relevant Minister before forming a view on the instrument's compatibility with human rights.


Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave) Legislation Amendment Regulation 2012

FRLI ID: F2012L01873
Introduced into the House of Representatives and the Senate on 17 September 2012
Portfolio: Employment and Workplace Relations

Committee view

2.6        The committee seeks further information from the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations before forming a view on the regulation's compatibility with human rights.

Purpose of the bill

2.7        The Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave) Legislation Amendment Act 2011 provides that certain periods of service undertaken by eligible employees and former eligible employees between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2011 may be counted towards their long service leave accrual. 

2.8        Schedule 5 of the Act sets out the timelines and dates by which certain administrative obligations are to be met in order to access these entitlements.  This regulation will make the following changes to those timelines:

2.9        It appears that a person's access to their long service leave entitlement may be delayed as a result of these changes.

2.10      The explanatory statement does not provide any justification for the delay in reporting requirements, other than that the Corporation is experiencing a high workload.

Compatibility with human rights

Rights in work

2.11      The statement of compatibility states that the instrument does not engage any human rights.

2.12      The secretariat notes that the instrument may engage article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). Article 7 of ICESCR protects the right to just and favourable conditions of work, including rest and leisure and periodic holidays with pay. 

2.13             Before forming a view as to whether the regulation is compatible with human rights, the committee proposes to write to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations to seek clarification on the regulation's compatibility with article 7 of ICESCR.

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