Migration Amendment (Health Care for Asylum Seekers) Bill 2012

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Migration Amendment (Health Care for Asylum Seekers)
Bill 2012

Introduced into the Senate on 11 September 2012
By: Senators Di Natale & Hanson-Young

Purpose of the bill

1.2        This bill amends the Migration Act 1958 to require the Minister for Immigration to establish an independent expert panel to monitor and report to Parliament at least twice a year on the health of offshore entry persons who are detained in a designated regional processing centre.

1.3        The statement of compatibility states that the bill engages and promotes the right to health in article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and in corresponding provisions in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

1.4        The committee has no substantive comments in relation to this bill as it does not appear to raise any human rights concerns and the statement of compatibility appears adequate.

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