International Fund for Agricultural Development Amendment Bill 2012

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International Fund for Agricultural Development Amendment Bill 2012

Introduced into the House of Representatives on 13 September 2012
Portfolio: Foreign Affairs

Committee view

1.2        The committee draws the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the requirement for each bill to be accompanied by a statement of compatibility.

Purpose of the bill

1.3        This bill amends the International Fund for Agricultural Development Act 1977 to allow Australia to legally accede to the Agreement Establishing IFAD under Australian law by:

1.4        The committee has no substantive comments on this bill but notes that a statement of compatibility was not provided for this bill.

1.5        The Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 requires each bill and disallowable legislative instrument to be accompanied by a statement of compatibility.  Proposed legislation that is not considered to raise any human rights issues is not exempt from this requirement. The committee proposes to write to the Minister to draw his attention to this requirement.

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