Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

39th Parliament (November 1998 - October 2001)

The Committee tabled two reports during the 39th Parliament. They were:

A watching brief: The nature, scope and appropriateness of ASIO's public reporting activities
Tabled September 2000

An Advisory Report on the ASIO Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 (PDF format)
Tabled May 1999
Date of Government Response: 21 June 1999

Previous Parliaments

The Commonwealth Parliament first appointed an ASIO Committee (pursuant to section 98B of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization Act 1979) in August 1988.

In the period 1988 to 1998, ASIO Committees have presented two reports to the Parliament:

Copies of Reports

Copies of all of these reports are available from the Committee Secretaiat.