Submission No. 6

Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

Review of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization Legislation Amendment Bill 1999

Submission No. 6

Corporate Tax Association of Australia Incorporated

23 April 1999

The Secretary

Parliamentary Joint Committee on the

Australian Security Intelligence Organization

Parliament House

Canberra ACT 2600


Dear Sir

Australian Security Intelligence Organization Legislation Amendment Bill 1999

Thank you for your letter dated 15 April 1999, asking the CTA to make submissions about the proposed amendments.

Having regard to the other law enforcement agencies that already have access to taxation information, and provided the proposed safeguards are strictly adhered to, we would have no objections to amending the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to add ASIO officers and officers of the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security to the list of relevant law enforcement agencies.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

Yours sincerely


Frank Drenth

(Executive Director)


Level 11, 455 Bourke Street

Melbourne 3000, Victoria.

Telephone (03) 9600 4411

Facsimile (03) 9600 4055

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