Submissions received by the Committee

Inquiry into Native Title Representative Bodies

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No. Submitter
1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (ATSIS) - (PDF 837KB)
1A Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs/ Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination (OIPC) Submission (PDF 2182KB)
2 Western Australia Local Government Association - (PDF 153KB)
3 Garrak - Jarru Regional Council - (PDF 195KB)
4 Queensland Indigenous Working Group - (PDF 474KB) Attachment (PDF 194KB)
5 Native Title Services Victoria Ltd (NTSV) - Letter (PDF 86KB) Attachment (PDF 137KB)
6 Association of Mining and Exploration Companies Inc (AMEC) - (PDF 177KB)
7 Torres Strait Regional Authority (PDF 196KB)
8 New South Wales Native Title Services Ltd (PDF 1830KB)
9 ACT Legislative Assembly (PDF 65KB)
10 Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc. (PDF 460KB)
11 Mr John Basten, QC (PDF 537KB)
12 Goldfields Land and Sea Council Letter (PDF 47KB) Attachment (PDF 165KB)
13 Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Native Title Unit - Letter (PDF 129KB Attachment (PDF 177KB)
14 Ngaanyatjarra Council Letter (PDF 100KB) Attachment 1 (PDF 188KB) Attachment 2 (PDF 139KB)
Attachment 3 (PDF 139KB) Attachment 4 (PDF 107KB)
15 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner - Letter (PDF 123KB) Attachment (PDF 496KB)
16 Attorney General's Department Letter (PDF 104KB) Attachment (PDF 118KB
17 Pitjantjatjara Council Incorporated (PDF 370KB) Attachment (PDF 90KB)
18 Rio Tinto Letter (PDF 70KB) Attachment (PDF 1220KB)
19 Southwest Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (PDF 656KB)
20 Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 192KB)
21 Australian Government Indigenous Land Corporation (PDF 226KB)
21a Australian Government Indigenous Land Corporation (PDF 171KB)
22 Office of Native Title Western Australia (PDF 125KB)
22a Office of Native Title Western Australia (PDF 148KB)
23 National Native Tribunal Letter (PDF 69KB) Attachment (PDF 320KB)
24 New South Wales Government (PDF 217KB)
25 Northern Territory Government (PDF 293KB)
26 Reserved
27 NSW Farmers Association (PDF 285KB)
28 Mr David Allie (PDF 71KB)
29 Yamatji Marlpa Barna Baba Maaja Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 549KB) Letter (PDF 27KB) Annexure 1 (PDF 2113KB) Annexure 2 (PDF 2995KB) Annexure 3 (PDF 67KB) Annexure 4 (PDF 108KB) Annexure 5 (PDF 94KB) Annexure 6 (PDF 172KB) Annexure 7 (PDF 2170KB) Annexure 8 (PDF 121KB) Annexure 9 (PDF 37KB) Annexure 10 (PDF 126KB) Annexure 11 (PDF 2343KB)
30 Walman Yawuru Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 179KB)
31 Premier of South Australia (PDF 378KB)
32 NTRB Lawyer Professional Development Project (PDF 16KB) Attachment (PDF 1441KB)
33 Jidi Jidi Corporation Inc (PDF 165KB)
34 AMEC (PDF 686KB)
35 Yamatji Marlpa Barna Baba Maaja Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 234KB)
36 number not used
37 Dept of the Premier & Cabinet, Government of Western Australia (PDF 197KB)
38 Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 1639KB) Annexure 2 (PDF 1479KB)
39 MacDonnells Solicitors (PDF 614KB)
Submission from MacDonnells being a response to adverse comment provided by Mr Yanner at the public hearing in Brisbane on 21 November 2005, pursuant to the Senate Resolutions on Parliamentary Privilege
40 Australian Institute of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies (PDF 995KB)
41 Kimberley Land Council (PDF 121KB)
42 Cape York Land Council (PDF 204KB)

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