Report on the operation of Native Title Representative Bodies

Report on the operation of Native Title Representative Bodies

21 March 2006

© Commonwealth of Australia 2006
ISBN 0 642 71629 3

View the report as a single document - (PDF 494KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Membership of Committee (PDF 90KB)
Recommendations (PDF 117KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction  (PDF 159KB)
Terms of reference
Conduct of the inquiry
Reviews of representative bodies
Other reviews
Reforms to native title
Chapter 2 - Structure and Role of Representative Bodies  (PDF 230KB)
Function and role
Governance structures of representative bodies
Effectiveness of representative bodies
Reforms to representative bodies
Chapter 3 - Availability of Resources  (PDF 256KB)
Funding arrangements
Adequacy of NTRB funding
Future funding options
Funding conditions
Staffing of NTRBs
Chapter 4 - Accountability Requirements (PDF 171KB)
Strategic plans/performance reporting
Annual reports
Level of accountability
Chapter 5 - Other Issues (PDF 222KB)
Relations with other organisations
Native title claims outside the NTRB system
Non-claimant applications
Respondent funding
Prescribed Bodies Corporate
Dissenting Report - Opposition Senators and Members of Parliament (PDF 129KB)
Minority Report by Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens (PDF 112KB)
Appendix 1 – List of submissions (PDF 93KB)
Appendix 2 – Witnesses who appeared before the Committee (PDF 141KB)

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