Minority Report

Minority Report

Chapter 3


The Committee's Rationale Exposed

The Twelfth Report

3.1 The Committee's twelfth report conclusion amounts to the following:

For the Committee's twelfth report, it should follow that the concept of legislation of last resort continues to be accepted; and, in that the Bill does not provide for such legislation, it should be rejected by the Committee on that point.

The Committee's Self-Contradiction

3.2 Nevertheless, because it does not criticise the Bill's failure to provide legislation of last resort, the Committee's twelfth report has abandoned support for legislation of last resort. In so doing, and as a consequence of claiming that its eleventh report recommendations were endorsed, the Committee's twelfth report is self-contradictory.

3.3 Accordingly, and in regard to the significant issue of legislation of last resort, the minority cannot endorse the Committee's self-contradictory report.

3.4 The Minority recommends:

Mr Daryl Melham MP

Mr Harry Quick MP

Senator Chris Evans

Senator the Hon Margaret Reynolds

Senator John Woodley