Chapter 4

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Bill 1998 (Report 12)
Table of Contents

Chapter 4


Eleventh Report

4.1 Over a period of twelve months to April 1998 the Committee conducted a detailed and comprehensive inquiry into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984. The Committee's eleventh report submitted nine carefully considered recommendations.

Bill Inquiry

The Central Question

4.2 In that the Government presented the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Bill 1998 on 2 April 1998, the same day that the Committee's eleventh report was tabled, it is understandable that the Committee's recommendations were not adopted in the Bill. In examining the Bill, however, necessarily the Committee's focus fell on the question whether there were any arguments against the Committee's recommendations where those matters were not represented in the Bill. That is, for its report on the Bill, should the Committee depart from its previous recommendations concerning indigenous heritage protection legislation?


4.3 Having heard evidence about the Bill over two days of hearings, and having received 28 submissions about the matter, the Committee has not received advice that would encourage it to abandon its previous conclusions and recommendations. Accordingly, the Committee endorses the recommendations of its eleventh report.


4.4 Further, and in particular reference to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Bill 1998, the Committee recommends the following amendments:

Warren Entsch MP

Committee Chair