Chapter 1

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Bill 1998 (Report 12)
Table of Contents

Chapter 1


Inquiry into the 1984 Act

Eleventh Report

1.1 On the morning of Thursday 2 April the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund tabled its eleventh report. The report responded to a reference from the Senate on 26 March 1997 concerning:

1.2 In its report, the Committee expressed the expectation that its views would inform the Government's approach to reforming the legislation (para 1.18, p.7 refers).

Referral of the Bill

1.3 During the afternoon of Thursday 2 April 1998, the Minister for Industry, Science and Tourism, the Hon John Moore, presented the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Bill 1998 (the Bill) in the House of Representatives. Following the Second Reading of the Bill, the House resolved that:

On 25 May the House of Representatives extended the reporting date to 1 June 1998. [1]

Committee Meeting

1.4 The Committee held a private meeting on Wednesday 8 April 1998. It resolved to advertise the reference received on 2 April. Further, subject to the discretion of the Committee Secretary, submissions would be published on receipt.

1.5 At its 8 April meeting, the Committee agreed to hold public hearings concerning the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Bill 1998 on Friday 8 May (Melbourne) and Monday 11 May (Canberra). It also resolved to advertise the reference.

Public Hearings

1.6 The Committee held the public hearings as scheduled. (The public hearing program is detailed at Appendix 1 of this report.) Witnesses were chosen from the written submissions lodged and from other persons and organisations known to the Committee. (The list of written submissions sent to the inquiry is provided at Appendix 2.) The Committee is grateful to all witnesses at the public hearings and to those who provided written submissions. Not all evidence could be referred to in this report; however, it was carefully considered and informed the views that were ultimately formed.

Report Adoption

1.7 At a private meeting on Thursday 28 May the Committee adopted its report concerning the Bill.



[1] House of Representatives Daily Hansard, 25 May 1998, p.P3581