Chapter 1

Table of Contents

Chapter 1


The Committee's Duty

1.1 This report is prepared pursuant to s. 206(c) of the Native Title Act 1993 (the Act). That section (in part) requires the Committee to report at its discretion to both Houses on matters emanating from annual reports prepared by the President of the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT).


Report Under Consideration

1.2 In its second and fourth reports, this Committee reported on the Tribunal's first two annual reports. The third annual report of the NNTT, that for 1995-96, was tabled in the Senate and the House of Representatives on 31 October 1996.


Public Hearing

1.3 The Committee held a public hearing on Wednesday 19 March 1997 to hear evidence from the Tribunal President, Justice R S French, concerning the Tribunal report. Justice French was accompanied at that hearing by Ms P Lane, the Tribunal Registrar, and the Hon C Sumner, a Tribunal Member.


The Tribunal

1.4 The Committee regards its interactions with the NNTT as one of the most significant elements of its function under the Act. Justice French has met with the Committee on six occasions (two of which were private) over a period of almost three years. In addition the Judge has met informally with various Committee members as opportunities have arisen; he has also been in regular contact with the Committee Secretary. The Registrar has similarly maintained contact with the Committee Secretary, providing a significant flow of important documentation that has assisted the Committee considerably in the fulfilment of its statutory monitoring function. Further, the Registrar has provided evidence at public hearings on six occasions.

1.5 An expression of appreciation is due to the NNTT for its cooperation with the Committee over the past three years. The Committee is aware that the Registrar is to retire from the NNTT in the course of 1997; while the President's term was to expire on 1 May, Justice French has agreed to continue for the remainder of the year. The Committee acknowledges the role that both the President and Registrar have played personally in the demanding task of establishing the Tribunal, and wishes them well for the future. The Committee paid tribute to their service at the public hearing on 19 March 1997.


Committee Report

1.6 This report was adopted by the Committee at a private meeting on 4 June 1997.