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Witnesses who appeared before the Committee

Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Parliament House, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
DOUGLAS, Mr Ken, First Assistant Secretary, Detention Infrastructure and Services Management
FLEMING, Mr Garry, First Assistant Secretary, Border Security, Refugee and International Policy Division
KELLY, Mr Greg, First Assistant Secretary, Detention Operations Division
METCALFE, Mr Andrew Edgar Francis, Secretary
MOORHOUSE, Mr John, Deputy Secretary, Immigration Detention Services Group
POPE, Ms Kate, First Assistant Secretary, Community Programs and Children Division
SOUTHERN, Dr Wendy, Deputy Secretary, Policy and Program Management Group
VARDOS, Mr Peter, Deputy Secretary, Client Services Group
WILSON, Ms Jackie, Deputy Secretary, Business Services Group

Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Function Room, Recreation Centre, Christmas Island

Australian Federal Police
LINES, Superintendent Chris, Manager, Operations and Missions
MARTINEZ, Acting Superintendent Pedro, Operational Response Group
PRENDERGAST, Assistant Commissioner Frank, National Manager, International Deployment

Christmas Island District High School
THORNTON, Mr Alan Noel, Deputy Principal

Christmas Island Police
SWANN, Sergeant Peter

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
KARRAS, Mr Steven, Acting Regional Manager Christmas Island
MACKIN, Ms Janet, Assistant Secretary, Detention Operations Branch

Indian Ocean Territories
GRAHAM, Dr Julie Leanne, Director, Public Health and Medicine
LACY, Mr Brian James, Administrator of Christmas Island

International Health and Medical Services
SPENCER, Dr Clayton, Medical Director, Primary Health and Community Care
WHITTAKER, Mr Jeff, General Manager

Private capacity
TISDALE, Ms Sharon
Serco Immigration Services
COUTTIE, Mr John Samuel, Deputy Regional Manager, Serco Immigration Services
HARRISON, Mr John Edward, Regional Manager
MANNING, Mr Christopher William, Managing Director
McINTOSH, Mr Peter Andrew, Director, Operations
Union of Christmas Island Workers
BERNARD, Mrs Kaye Elisabeth, General Secretary
THOMPSON, Mr Gordon, Shire President and Union President

Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Curtin Immigration Detention Centre, Derby, Western Australia

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
KELLY, Mr Greg, First Assistant Secretary, Detention Operations Divisions
SOKOLOFF, Mr Troy John, Deputy Regional Manager, Curtin Immigration Detention Centre

International Health and Medical Services
HUTCHINGS, Mr Russel, Regional Operations Manager
LONERGAN, Ms Helen, Director of Nursing
BONACCORSO, Mr Mark Angelo, Centre Manager, Curtin Immigration Detention Centre
CAMPBELL, Mr David Maxwell, Chief Executive Officer
HASSALL, Mr Antony David, Chief Operating Officer, Immigration Services
Shire Derby West Kimberley
ARCHER, Mrs Elsia, Shire President
KIRWAN, Ms Holly, Coordinator Detainee Services, WA Country Health Service, Kimberley
SMITH, Ms Bec, Operations Manager, Derby Health Service

Monday, 26 September 2011
Rydges Airport Hotel, Darwin, Northern Territory

Australian Federal Police
JABBOUR, Assistant Commissioner Ramzi Manager, Crime
SYKORA, Commander Peter, Manager, Crime
Australian Medical Association (NT Branch)
MORRIS, Dr Peter S, Royal Darwin Hospital
WATSON, Dr Sara, Director, Medical Services and Education, Royal Darwin Hospital
Darwin Asylum Seekers Support and Advocacy Network
DAVIS, Ms Justine, Member
RUDGE, Mr Zac, Member
THWAITES, Mr Rohan, Member
WALTERS, Ms Adrianne, Member
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
DAVIS, Mr Allan, Regional Manager North
KELLY, Mr Greg, First Assistant Secretary, Detention Operations Division

International Health and Medical Services
APOSTOLELLIS, Mr Alexis, Senior Operations Manager
BROWN, Ms Allison, Mental Health Services Manager
YOUNG, Dr Peter, Medical Director, Mental Health Services

Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission
COX, Ms Suzan QC, Director
HANLEY, Ms Alison Emily, Solicitor
HUSSIN, Ms Fiona Levene, Coordinator, Policy and Projects
Northern Territory Police
KELLY, Assistant Commissioner Grahame David

Serco Immigration Services
DIXON, Mr Ashley John, Deputy Director, Operations
HAUGHIAN, Mrs Maxine, Centre Manager, Darwin Airport Lodge
MANNING, Mr Chris William, Managing Director, Immigration Services
MURRAY, Commander Clive, Manager, Operations Support
STUART, Miss Karen Michelle, Centre Manager, NIDC

Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Lyceum Room, Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney, New South Wales

Australian Federal Police
MURRAY, Commander Clive, Manager, Operational Support, International Deployment Group
SYKORA, Commander Peter, Manager, Crime
JABBOUR, Assistant Commissioner Ramzi, Manager, Crime

Australian Human Rights Commission
BRANSON, Ms Catherine, Australian Human Rights Commissioner and President
MAYWALD, Ms Catherine, Senior Policy Officer, Human Rights Unit

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
INGRAM, Mr Steve, Assistant Secretary
KELLY, Mr Greg, First Assistant Secretary
MACKIN, Ms Janet, Assistant Secretary
VAN RAAK, Ms Karen, Director

Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law, University of New South Wales
McADAM, Professor Jane, Director International Refugee and Migration Law Project
NODA, Mrs Alice Elizabeth, Research Assistant
WEEKS, Mr Gregory Paul, Lecturer, Faculty of Law

International Health and Medical Services
GARDNER, Mr Michael, Regional Managing Director
GILBERT, Mr Ian, General Manager
HOOPER, Dr Dick, Regional Medical Director
New South Wales Police Force
EARDLEY, Superintendent David George, Superintendent, Bankstown Local Area Commander
MENNILLI, Assistant Commissioner Carmine (Frank)
Refugee Advice and Casework Service
JACKSON-VAUGHAN, Ms Tanya, Executive Director

Refugee Council of Australia
MORGAN, Ms Lucy, Information and Policy Officer

Serco Immigration Services
HAYES, Mr John, Regional Manager, Northern Immigration Detention Centre
MANNING, Mr Chris William, Managing Director
McINTOSH, Mr Peter Andrew, Director of Operations
MOODY, Mr Craig Robert, Senior Operations Manager, Villawood Immigration Detention Centre

Sydney Centre for International Law
SAUL, Professor Ben, Professor of International Law

United Voice
McELREA, Mr David James, National Office Director

Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Hilton Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia

Adelaide Hills Circle of Friends
WALKER, Ms Lesley Helen Isabelle, Member

Australian Children's Commissioners and Guardians
SIMMONS, Ms Pam, Guardian for Children and Young People, South Australia

Country Health South Australia 
CHALMERS, Ms Helen, Chief Operating Officer
DI SISTO, Mr Nino, Cluster Director
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
DOUGLAS, Mr Kenneth James, First Assistant Secretary, Detention Infrastructure and Services Division, Department of Immigration and Citizenship
JOHNSON, Mr Steve, Director, Detention Services South Australia, Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Private capacity

ALEXANDER, Ms Denise, Centre Manager, Inverbrackie
CLAY, Ms Cheryl, Regional Manager
MANNING, Mr Chris, Managing Director
McINTOSH, Mr Peter, Director of Operations

South Australian Department of Education
PAGE, Ms Lynley, Policy Adviser
TUNBRIDGE, Ms Helen, Director
South Australia Police
KILLMIER, Ms Bronwyn Anne, Assistant Commissioner

Friday, 18 November 2011
St James Conference Centre, Melbourne, Victoria

Amnesty International
THOM, Dr Graham Stephen, Refugee Coordinator

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
CURR, Ms Pamela Mary, Campaign Coordinator

Asylum Seekers Christmas Island
DIMASI, Ms Michelle, Director

Australian Red Cross
CLEMENT, Mr Noel, Head of Australian Services
DE VRIES, Ms Lisa, National Manager, Migration Support Programs

Council for Immigration Services and Status Resolution
ARISTOTLE, Mr Paris, AM, Chair
Curtin University
BRISKMAN, Dr Linda Ruth, Director, Centre for Human Rights Education
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
KELLY, Mr Greg, First Assistant Secretary, Detention Operations Division, Department of Immigration and Citizenship
REYNOLDS, Mr Stephen, Regional Manager Victoria, Detention Operations Branch, Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Detention Health Advisory Group
NEWMAN, Professor Louise Kathryn, Chair
Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre
MANNE, Mr David Thomas, Executive Director

Serco Immigration Services 
JAKES, Mr Scott, Team Leader, Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation
MANNING, Mr Christopher, Managing Director
McINTOSH, Mr Peter Andrew, Director of Operations
MILLS, Mr Alan John, Centre Manager, Maribyrnong Immigration Detention Centre

Tuesday, 22 November 2011            
Parliament House, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
HARTLAND, Ms Kerri, Deputy Director-General
IRVINE, Mr David Taylor, Director-General
Comcare Criminal
KIBBLE, Mr Steve, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
QUARMBY, Mr Neil, General Manager

Commonwealth Ombudsman
LARKINS, Ms Alison, Acting Ombudsman
MASRI, Mr George, Senior Assistant Ombudsman

Community and Public Sector Union
TULL, Mr Michael, National President

Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
DE CRESPIGNY, Mr Mark, Senior Assistant Director
THORNTON, Mr John, First Deputy Director
Inspector General of Intelligence and Security
THOM, Dr Vivienne

Law Council of Australia
BUDAVARI, Ms Rosemary Margaret, Co-Director, Criminal Law and Human Rights

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
TOWLE, Mr Richard, Regional Representative

Friday, 2 December 2011
Weipa Town Authority Council Chambers, Weipa, Queensland

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
DAVIS, Mr Allan, Regional Manager North
DOUGLAS, Mr Ken, First Assistant Secretary
MACKIN, Ms Janet, Assistant Secretary
Private capacity
GYNTHER, Dr Bruce Douglas, Private capacity
Queensland Police
TAYLOR, Chief Superintendent Paul Gregory, Queensland Police Service
WORTH, Acting Detective Sergeant Byron Ashley, Queensland Police Service
Serco Immigration Services
MANNING, Mr Chris, Managing Director
McINTOSH, Mr Peter Andrew, Director of Operations
MILLS, Mr Alan John, Centre Manager, Maribyrnong Immigration Detention Centre
STUART, Ms Karen Michelle, Centre Manager, Scherger Immigration Detention Centre

Friday, 9 December 2011
Parliament House, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
ALLEN, Mr Stephen, First Assistant Secretary
BIDDLE, Mr Steve, Assistant Secretary
CALLANAN, Mr Christopher, First Assistant Secretary
DOUGLAS, Mr Ken, First Assistant Secretary
FARRELL, Mr Craig, First Assistant Secretary
HARDY, Ms Jenny, Chief Lawyer
KELLY, Mr Greg, First Assistant Secretary
McCAIRNS, Mr Gavin, First Assistant Secretary
METCALFE, Mr Andrew, Secretary
MOORHOUSE, Mr John, Deputy Secretary
NIBLETT, Ms Julie, Assistant Secretary
POPE, Ms Kate, First Assistant Secretary
SHEEHAN, Mr Stephen, First Assistant Secretary
SOUTHERN, Dr Wendy, Deputy Secretary
WALSH, Mr David, Acting First Assistant Secretary
WILSON, Ms Jackie, Deputy Secretary

Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Parliament House, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
ALLEN, Mr Stephen, First Assistant Secretary
DOUGLAS, Mr Ken, First Assistant Secretary
KELLY, Mr Greg, First Assistant Secretary
MACKIN, Ms Janet, Acting First Assistant Secretary
METCALFE, Mr Andrew, Secretary
MOORHOUSE, Mr John, Deputy Secretary
PARKER, Ms Vicki, First Assistant Secretary
SOUTHERN, Dr Wendy, Deputy Secretary

Private capacity
HAWKE, Dr Allan

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